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FrozenGate by Avery

Free Laser (For Me...Score)

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 6:37 AM, Gool said:

" The Torch flashlight comes with one rechargeable battery and one universal charger.

Click here to download the Torch's Instructions Manual. "

it's an insctruction manual, not an instructionS manual. The INSTRUCTION MANUAL contains INSTRUCTIONS.

I got a reply this morning, as follows:

"Thanks for the concern, that I would really not count as a bug. But you are right its instruction manual."

My response:

"yet Watts vs Watt does count?

that is the 'bug' that was pointed out by someone who DID receive a gift from you guys for his efforts.

with that in mind, what does qualify as a bug?"

So I found another paragraph RIDDLED with errors, and offered to proofread for them.
They need it.
OMG. I hate this scam. These fuckers screwed me out of a free laser.
I found a mistake and told them about it via email on October 7, 2011:

I am writing you about a bug I found on your site, and heard that I could earn a free laser if I notify you.

I noticed that (on the home page) the section for "gear" (left side - bottom) has the word "gears". This is incorrect.
"Gears" are what are in mechanical devices and automobiles.

"Gear" (meaning 'accessories') is already plural, so the extra "S" is completely incorrect in English when referring to "multiple types of 'gear' " as "gears".



Their response:
I know what you mean, but to us that is done on purpose, its like gears of war.

They have now changed the mistake, and didn't send me any laser. :crackup:
Green Laser Pointer, Blue, Red, Purple Lasers | Wicked Lasers
It's correct now using the term "Gear".
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OMG. I hate this scam. These fuckers screwed me out of a free laser.
I found a mistake and told them about it via email on October 7, 2011:

I am writing you about a bug I found on your site, and heard that I could earn a free laser if I notify you.

I noticed that (on the home page) the section for "gear" (left side - bottom) has the word "gears". This is incorrect.
"Gears" are what are in mechanical devices and automobiles.

"Gear" (meaning 'accessories') is already plural, so the extra "S" is completely incorrect in English when referring to "multiple types of 'gear' " as "gears".



Their response:
I know what you mean, but to us that is done on purpose, its like gears of war.

They have now changed the mistake, and didn't send me any laser. :crackup:
Green Laser Pointer, Blue, Red, Purple Lasers | Wicked Lasers
It's correct now using the term "Gear".

I just found some misspelled words in their tech section. No it was not an extra or missing S.
I just found some misspelled words in their tech section. No it was not an extra or missing S.

In the case I pointed out, the error wasn't a spelling error, it was a grammatical error.

OMG. I hate this scam. These fuckers screwed me out of a free laser.
I found a mistake and told them about it via email on October 7, 2011:

I am writing you about a bug I found on your site, and heard that I could earn a free laser if I notify you.

I noticed that (on the home page) the section for "gear" (left side - bottom) has the word "gears". This is incorrect.
"Gears" are what are in mechanical devices and automobiles.

"Gear" (meaning 'accessories') is already plural, so the extra "S" is completely incorrect in English when referring to "multiple types of 'gear' " as "gears".



Their response:
I know what you mean, but to us that is done on purpose, its like gears of war.

They have now changed the mistake, and didn't send me any laser. :crackup:
Green Laser Pointer, Blue, Red, Purple Lasers | Wicked Lasers
It's correct now using the term "Gear".

The error I pointed out was changed as of today...

I would think that it boils down to this: Did they change the error that has been pointed out?

If so, then they SHOULD make good on their offer.
If not, then they stand behind their error.

NOT COOL Wicked Lasers... Not cool.
In the case I pointed out, the error wasn't a spelling error, it was a grammatical error.

The error I pointed out was changed as of today...

I would think that it boils down to this: Did they change the error that has been pointed out?

If so, then they SHOULD make good on their offer.
If not, then they stand behind their error.

NOT COOL Wicked Lasers... Not cool.

Sorry you feel left out man:(
That has to be one of the dumbest damn responses I've ever seen. Gears of war? That is strictly implicit of gears of a machine as you pointed out. What an a-hole. You sir, deserve a free laser! May I vote you recieve a 589 for the bullshit treatment you've recieved? :D

GoolGaul said:
it's an insctruction manual, not an instructionS manual.

Thanks for my new signature, buddy! :beer:
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