IMO thing that holds your sale back is the fact it is a WL and this is LPF. LPF + WL = not so many fans/believers. WL tend to sell like hotcakes on fleabay. I mean most people who buy WL are someone who does it because its cool or impulse buys. They check WL site, see how expensive they are and what is the next thing they do, check fleabay. Those buyers dont want to do actual research and come here (their loss IMO)
I mean heck, I find something I want and its expensive, i check amazon, fleabay, everywhere online. Most of the time you can find the exact product on sale somewhere for 25% off or more.
Example: Sandisk EXTREME SDXC 64gb microSD retails for $199 @ bestbuy and was on sale for like $120 (was sold out in stores and online). Checked fleabay, amazon and everywhere online ($80-150 shipped). Ended up buying for $60 shipped from B&H- this was also like 4 months ago so prices are prob different now but concept is the same. Buyers check WL, then fleabay. Might as well have it on the second place they check