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FrozenGate by Avery

For Sale: PL-C II 250mw overspec (300-325?)

I'm starting to get really curious as to why greens don't seem to be selling like they used to. Is it because of the 515s on the horizon? Is it because there are more green DPSS sources? I actually am really stumped here, neither of those explanations are very compelling.

Probably a combination of all those factors. I mean let's face it, laser prices have fallen drastically over the past few years. I remember looking into lasers back in 2007, and the prices were really too much even at 200mW. (At the time I bought a $50 radioshack 5mW green, and was quite happy with.)

If you think laser are interesting to watch... take a look at cpu prices, or gpu prices. Or RAM for that matter.

Technology is evolving a fast enough pace that anything tech related loses value with extreme speed.

As for Udanis... I already bought two lasers off of him, and a third one just now.
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ok ok, i see now that the group buy one at $270 is the obvious choice for a Jetlasers pl-c laser buyer. So i've lowered the price once again to $240.

Here are the buyer's options:
Option A: Group buy. $270 + $10 shipping, plus $20 goggles, plus $10 batteries, plus $20 ultrafire charger = $330 PLUS waiting forever to get it.
Option B: Buy this one at $240, (A Ninety Dollar savings) and receive it on saturday.

Another thing; It's my understanding that Jetlasers uses nLight diodes, a quality company. made in the USA. (i think they're made here in Oregon, or perhaps vancouver washington?)
And another; Any of the other higher end companies opto/laerglow/novalasers will charge twice this amount of money for a 532nm portable of comparable power.

Anyone know how much CNI's 532/250mw? Or Viasho? Also comparable companies in terms of quality, but they don't seem to have pricing on their website, and i'm too lazy to suss it out.

rhd - thanks for the kind words.

Infinitus - I think you should buy this laser, i know you're a bargain hunter, but i think you'd benefit from having at least one ferrarri in the stable. just a thought.

Lastly, i think green is the best laser color. Granted i haven't had any of the other colors, but green is classic. Plus aliens are green, so are dinosaurs.
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^^^:crackup::crackup::crackup: LMFAO!

$240 is a reasonable price. Not great, but reasonable. Of course that's pending a test by a middle man, so add in $6-$12 more in shipping, depending on how that turns out. Glad you finally got some common sense.

Infinitus - I think you should buy this laser, i know you're a bargain hunter, but i think you'd benefit from having at least one ferrarri in the stable. just a thought.

:crackup: - You should really go into used car sales, you'd do well.

Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass, I mean your used "ferrari" is last year's model, and hasn't passed inspection.

***TO ANY BUYERS*** Use a middle man:

Okay, to be fair, if I got my hands on it I would expect it to come out at 325-350mW. But don't update the thread title. ;)

Until it gets metered and you have an output graph, I wouldn't touch this. Nothing personal.

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not sure what the etiquette is, but this is a bump.

p.s. there is a video i posted of the laser, buried several posts up on this thread, in case anyone is interested...
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interested in this. I have a meter too.

Question as i am not sure how the focus on the PL-Cs work.

Where does the head have to be for the laser to be focused to infinity? All the way out? All the way in?
