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FrozenGate by Avery

For Love: Corning G-1000, Directly Doubled 532nm


Dec 7, 2010
This needs to go to a good home:

There are actually two here. The one still attached to the sled is brand new. The one that is already harvested almost certainly doesn't work anymore. You can have both (the dead one perhaps for sizing, or dissection, etc)

They need to go somewhere that that they will get love. That means someone with a plan for making her run. It takes more than current regulation alone to get this little gem lasing.

It's off to whomever has a way to put it into use. No cost. Just make some small donation to LPF (no need to tell anyone how much)
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I'd love to take them, if you'd allow me to have them. :)

I'll treat them with care. I'm an electronics hobbyist on the side so I have a pretty good idea of how I might need to run them... Don't they need PWM or some sort of modulation on the heater pins to maintain a certain temp?

I could build an analog circuit that could do just that. :D
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Very kind of you RHD!

Le Quack or whom ever get's these....there is a lot of discussion of these unit here and on PL.

Have Fun!
Le Quack-

It's yours :) PM me your address later this evening, and I'll get it packaged up.

