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FrozenGate by Avery

Flex drive or boost drivers

Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
Hi I can't seem to find any more flex drivers or any type of small boost driver. Are they no longer made?

Yes as Red stated Innolasers are available I use them also. If you want a Boost driver DTR has them for sale .
XWossee drivers.
Thanks RedCowboy I'll have to buy from them. The DTR shop is out of boost drivers of all kinds. There's the ACS5500BU and ACS4500BU but those aren't boost drivers. Also I'm liking your work lifetime17. Real professional looking stuff!
Seems the flex drives, although old, still have a market. Sure would be great to see them come back into production.
Thanks RedCowboy I'll have to buy from them. The DTR shop is out of boost drivers of all kinds. There's the ACS5500BU and ACS4500BU but those aren't boost drivers. Also I'm liking your work lifetime17. Real professional looking stuff!

Thank you for the kind words to my work. Did you try Innolasers for the Flexdrive V5.. they a great for single cell builds

Huh, you can still get them, amazing. I thought they were done years ago because DTR has not had them for that long.
Huh, you can still get them, amazing. I thought they were done years ago because DTR has not had them for that long.

Yes the Flex drive V5 can take 1X lithium ion cell or 2X AA,AAA @ 1.5v as far as I seen they are still in stock on Innolasers site.
Its the Flex Drive Boost thats not available and they also have a linear drive ..
