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first laser

i cant decide between my first laser on which to choose.
500 mW green laser
300 mW green laser
200 mW blu-ray laser

please any help would be greatly appreciated as i'm new here but i am a big laser enthusiast.


It depends on how much money you are willing to part with. IMO, I would stick with lower wattage laser first to see if you want to spend even more money for higher output lasers. At 0.5 watt that's a lot of heat for a first laser :yh:
i just want to know if these lasers are the power they say. and if so, which would be the best burning capabilities.
i just want to know if these lasers are the power they say. and if so, which would be the best burning capabilities.

From what I know, Blu-Ray or violet burns better than green, but green are "prettier" for beam shot and pointing. Blu-ray or violet is darker and IMO not great for pointing but good at burning lighter color objects.
Yes blu ray beam are only about 1/4 visible as green. So a 200mW blu ray beam would be as bright as a 50 mW green beam. But blu ray burns better. Whatever you choose get safety goggles/glasses.
Don't get the violet! You can build one for soooo much less money, plus its unlikey that THAT one will really put out a true 200mW's of 405nm. I doubt it has the diode or optics required for 200mW's, plus it says the diodes operating voltage is 3.2V :wtf:

You could get an 8X diode, 405-G-1 lens and Flexdrive and enjoy up to 500mW's of violet and still have 100 bucks left for a host (based off the $380 spending limit perscribed by the laser in the link)

Go for a green laser, and if you really are willing to dish out the dough i would always suggest Optotronics for a high quality/powered green laser.
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my 200 mw bluray is less visable than my 5 mw green
now my 25 mw blue is about as visable as a 20 mw green though
i have been told everyone sees the colors differently

i have a couple of these rayfas/o-like hosts 70 each yikes
they are well made hosts

i currently have a loc @ 300 mw in one

the other is waiting for an 8x or 12x later lol
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Just a little. It would make a Merry Christmas though, although shelling out $400+ for a blu ray burner that will soon be riiped to pieces won't be.
Suggestion: If you're going to build your first laser from scratch, I suggest you get a cheap diode, more specifically, a PHR803T diode. They're (comparatively) dirt cheap, so if you wreck it, you're down $10, and at about 120mW with heatsinking/good lens etc, have enough burning power to at last sate you until you build your 350mW laser.
It's true that you won't get as much pointing prettiness from one, but I personally prefer the blue to the green, anyway. =]

Also, you don't want to find that you killed a $300 diode because of a noobish mistake (I killed my first diode...luckily, it was a PHR one! =D)
