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First laser scanner

Oct 27, 2008
Hey guys,

I am going to build my first laser projecter (sorry wallet)! I just wanted to make sure i have everything before i start on my project. I plan on using a soundcard dac and spaghetti. I want to mainly do beam shows that sync to music. I am terrible with making shows so i picked spaghetti because i heard it was easy. Here is the list so far:

Computer case: 40 (Newegg.com - COOLER MASTER Elite 360 RC-360-KKN1-GP Black Steel / Plastic ATX Mini Tower Computer Case - Computer Cases)
Soundcard dac: 40 (i already have the item from DX...just need the laserboy correction amp)
Galvos (SP20): 185 (sk8 can you get this price for me?)
Laser: 140 (Industrial TTL Green laser Module 100mW w/TEC£­>5¡«500mW green laser module£­>Laser&lighting products£­>www.0-like.com)
spaghetti: 50
Wires ect: 20
Fans: 20-30 (i was told i need brush less fans...any idea where i can get these that will match the case?
Adapters, Power supplies, ect(where should i get these by the way? There is a plug on the case that is a three prong like on computers...Could i power the internals using that?): 20-30?
Possibly a slab of aluminum for the case - 30
Switches(where do i put these in? bridging 4 and 17 on the 25 pin adapter?) - 10-20

That is all for now...tell me if i need to add anything.

Also how do i power everything? I heard you can fuse the connections but i dont really know how to do that/what it means.

It seems like common practice to put the DAC outside of the scanner. Does it matter if i put it inside of the scanner? Also i will need to tune the amp. I dont have an oscilloscope. Would someone that does be willing to? Ill pay shipping both ways/labor fees and anything else you can think of.

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the help.

Regarding the o-scope adjustment, it can be done without a scope. Note the channels on the correction amp you use for X,Y galvo signals. Get an ILDA file from PL with a circle and open it in spaghetti. Set it to play the circle for at least 2 minutes. Observe the output from the galvos. Adjust the offset and gain until you see a circle. You must be sure that you have the right X,Y channels connected to the right channels on the amp or else your image will be reversed or upside down. (this is hard to tell with a circle, but you'll notice it right away once you try to project an image) As long as you are using TTL modulation, the modulation channels must just be set to swing from 0-5V which can be verified using a multimeter. The board can be tuned by watching the output while you tweak, as long as the connections are all correct.
Thanks jamilm...i didnt know those were still for sale.

Ok...Does it matter how i connect the wires from the audio card to the amp? Or can i just connect it to any "port" and match it up on the other side of the amp?

Am i missing anything on my list?

Good good...Im thinking of just getting a piece of aluminum to bolt everything to. It doesnt have to be that sturdy...the case itself will be sturdy enough. This is just so everything has a set place.

Order Aluminum 6061 Sheet in Small Quantities at OnlineMetals.com

At the bottom i put in the custom width/lengh 14X17. The case is 14.2 X 17.3.

Should i start with a green and then move onto RGY or just stick with green for now? I just want to do some beam shows so i might just start with green...Plus then ill need another laser and optics ect.

Can i put the DAC inside the projector? It is a usb sound card. The case has a usb input in it and there are wires coming from that port. If i took a male-male connector and attached it to my computer's usb and then to the scanners usb could that be the signal input? Would that work? I think there might be a circuit board in the existing case but i dont think the usb is attached to it...

There is also a switch on the front of the computer. Could i use that to turn my projector on(if i desolder it from whatever it is attached to...)?

You can put the DAC in the case, but I recommend wiring the outputs to a female DB-25 connector. (Actually it's easier to go here and click the link labeled "ILDA breakout boards are available again". You can use this along with a male to female gender changer. The connections are all marked you just screw each wire in where it says to.)

Using this method will allow you to keep the DAC outside the projector so that you can use it with other projectors you may build/buy. The DB-25 is standard for ILDA connectivity.

Also, the correction amps channels are all identical, so any connection can be made at any channel. You just have to keep track so you don't get wires crossed anywhere.
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Ok thats perfect. I just did a search on the website where i am ordering the computer case from but i dont see any DB25 cords/ adapters (the ones that you put on the DAC and solder the wires from the amp to. ) Could i use the DZE adapter thing for the DAC aswell as the scanner?

If you look at the back of the computer case (Newegg.com - Computer Parts, PC Components, Laptop Computers, Digital Cameras and more!) (second photo from the right) Most of the back is just metal. How should i put the DB25 connecter onto there? I could get a custom sheet of metal made to screw onto the back.

There is a place on the top for a fan and a place on the side. Ill have the one on the side suck air in and the one on the top to suck air out. I heard you werent supposed to use brush-motor fans. Where could i find some brushless ones?

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Ok i understand pretty much everything now. (bysides some wiring. It will be clearer once i get all of the parts.)

Now all i need is a case. Any suggestions?

The SP20's are from lasershow parts, Laser-wave do not make them, they are made by sonima.

I am also a laser-wave dealer, and they do sell galvo's, but a bit out of peoples price range. The SP20's are somewhat poor performers for graphics, though they are a huge step up from steppers/spiro's even so.

Laserboy correction amp, shoot drlava a PM.

The DAC can be put anywhere, inside or out.

For the power input, I use ones of these IEC Fuse Chassis Male Power Plug with Switch - Jaycar Electronics

Fused, switched and work great.

I would personally scrap that laser and get something more worthwhile. TTL is boring, and I suspect that laser would have jellybeaning issues.
I have that same laser.. did a review.. works great, no "jelly beaning" it's actually quite stable once it warms up. I was quite surprised given the price.. .. also, why use analog with a monochrome setup? The ability to dim the laser seems kind of not worth the extra $$ IMO.. Now in an RGB... definitely.

Lately I've been seeing lots of folks posting answers like people are just made of money.. I can't speak for Muffin_Man's budget, but SP20s and a laser like that are perfect choices for a first time job on a budget.
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Just adds more flexibility. You do get bored of a monochrome laser scanner, and buying a nother laser is something you can avoid.

Analog modulation also adds depth, so you can have bright images and duller ones, giving depth, and also a fade out/in option.
I can understand future proofing.. I suppose it's just a matter of what Muffin_Man is comfortable spending.
I am looking for a 100mW green...I may add a red in there at some point too...Do you have a link to an analogue 100mW green? The thing that made me want to build a scanner was the pokerface beam show that someone did (i think it was MarioMaster). Thats why i was thinking of a RGY. Did he use analogue lasers in that video? I just want to do some basic beamshows like the pokerface one...

I found a really good deal on some SP20s..Now all i need is a case. Does anyone know where i could get one that would fit a RGY?

When it comes to Analog, if you want anything that even comes close to linear response and decent stability, I recommend Laser-Wave or CNI.. I've run the poker-face beam show on my green TTL scanner and it looks great. You'll do fine with this as long as your sound card DAC is properly tuned. TBH I have yet to be bored with any of my monochrome scanners. You can really do an entire show with just green if your doing concerts and parties. I really don't use any of my scanners for graphics, except occasionally for brief animations or artist names/misc.text. but I've only done small to medium sized shows..

Your idea of a computer case will easily hold a RGY setup (they don't require much more space than a green scanner).. I'd go with that. You can get DB-25 connectors that will fit in expansion card slots for nearly free from any small computer shop.
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Yeah my only problem with that computer case was that the back had a bunch of slots. And it looks like you have to put the case together yourself so all of the shelves inside of it could easily be removed i think...

Do you have a link to that DB25 expansion slot?

