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Feeler for lenticular lens

Sep 10, 2014
I only watched the vid a time or two. It seems like it makes a certain number of repeated images like difraction grating but its also slightly offset to make certain objects appear 3d. When you rotated it.. it will rotate the offset.
Sorry but its kind of hard to explain for me.
A circle will turn into a 3d tube more or less.
squares almost appear cubed.
I have left mine stationary/stuck to the face of my PJ and it looks great. Fog really didnt do much for it makes the beam split and dim. I have a pretty low powered PJ.
let me try and get a pic of before and after the lens.
sorry if im vague and not helping much. Im still very intro level

Feb 25, 2010
Thanx....I am trying to wrap my head around this.... One can see the computer screen image....rotating CW around a central axis....and the optic....." extrudes " this image....and then....I would assume when the projector image is rotated....left/right...or up/down....the extruded image mirrors this movement....

But....again....what are the effects to what one sees.....stationary lenticular vs rotating lenticular ???

Just need to get the optic....and see what does what !!! Thanx for the quick reply.
Beam out
Sep 10, 2014
Just watched the vid again after attempting to upload pics on my worthless phone.
He is rotating the effect very slowly similar to lumia. The lens does't change the angle of the "splitting" as I previously said but just a " amount" of lines. which will change angle as you rotate. when I look at the image I can see where they say 70 LPI(I dont want to count and test). Ide like to try a 15 lines per inch and check that effect.
Sorry its been a "late night" for me! :)
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Apr 2, 2009
Jeff- did you buy 100 lines per inch or 50?? how do you count them? is every peak two lines/ or just one??

on the ones I got from Displaser there was a film(removeable) on the flat side..
I think its always best to place things with a smooth side and a not smooth with the laser hitting the textured side first to get a diffused reflection-the smooth side will reflect a small image and more danger to your diode.

a band saw cuts well -go slowly- I cut some with a hacksaw (what else??_)
and placed masking tape over the cut line to avoid scratching..
I tried scoring with box cutter and snapping but no workie very well.

last night I ran my 350rgb lumia thru a rotating 3 inch round LL (@3 rpm)- it was not too good ... looked 'muddy' may look better with diff lumia ..

Bob-- Jeff was running a RGB PJ thru his LLens using DMX control- his Quick Show is on back order with AixiZ.-- QS blows DMX away -but still a very useful tool =great for beamer Sats- strobe=fogger and much more.

PM coming tp CDBeam (Bob)
Apr 2, 2009
see if you can figure out what these looked like before the LLens....

pic found on da net...


  • s-l400  lenticular images.jpg
    s-l400 lenticular images.jpg
    35.4 KB · Views: 28
Sep 10, 2014
len im confused... do you have me mixed up with freefly? I'm Joe! hehe.
Anyways I just did a verticle line with my dmx and put the Llens over it. I got the 70 LPI lens and I will take there word for it. It appears to just make 70 lines. Maybe ill attempt to count the lines tonight. I would like to get a lens with significantly less lines.
edit: looks like 40lpi is the lowest I can find right now
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Apr 2, 2009
sorry Joe for the mix-up
my bad for not making NWLEM- I plan to go next Sept.

hope to meet you then..

TBH I never checked GreedBay for these when Greg did his GB- not even sure any were there--but now the're are lots and not all the same number of lines nor same prices --anyway they look inexpensive and those wanting perhaps should go ahead and buy some- no telling how long it would take for Greg to do another GB for these--maybe you can get a better deal & for sure if you get some to share and keep the cost down-
to put it 'crudely' a dot becomes a line ...& a circle or box goes 3 D - does not move unless the lens is moving--

interest in these L.Lenses happened coz of the L.Lenses inside the Laserking LK-PD2s
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Apr 2, 2009
bump update- looks like these are easy to find at fleabay- not sure about whether the 50 line or 100 is better or even which mine are--
share a larger order w/ a forum friend- no GB is going to happen on these ATM.. hak
