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Department of Defence FAIL!1!!


In case you didnt get it, look closely at the picture, this ink is running out...

Thats the joke.
Aaah..haha. Thought it was more conspiracy baloney. Not really a fail if its a joke, no? Well I guess in my case it was a fail.

Carry on....
^ But, after 50 cigarettes in a room, you may end needing an IR viewer, for find the door ..... :eg: :eg: :eg:

j/k :p :D
In hind sight, I should of circled the trash. That turned me off more than the cigarettes. Probably because I smoke.
We call them "Coffin Nails". I slam 20 in my coffin everyday, for the last 28 years. Its the last bad thing I do.
The WL goggles are useless. <OD1 would be a conservative estimate.

I have a pair of $6 eBay goggles which hold out better than this thing. Surprisingly, those goggles melt after a few seconds at the focal point, instead of charring.


Yes, FAIL. Etched into the lens with the very laser it's supposed to protect against.
