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FrozenGate by Avery


Came across this just now...

I couldn't stop laughing, so I thought I'd share.....

Quidditch on College Campuses - Photos - SI.com

look at the "helmets"

it's like glasses but with dualbar.
Maybe it has potential...
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4 years ago or so, I had a garter snake I caught in my mom's backyard while I was over at her house.

I was under the assumption it was a female. A year later I bought a ribbon snake from petco. After the first day, the garter snake started having a strange infatuation with the ribbon snake. And was slithering on top of her, laying across her body.
Here's a picture of them together:

I ultimately had to let the garter snake go, because while fighting over a goldfish, the garter snake's head ended up in her mouth and I had to separate them.

Well some time after I realized the garter snake had been a male and mated with my ribbon snake. I ended up with 11 of these baby snakes to have to raise for a couple weeks and release into the wild. And get a separate tank all set up until I could release them. What a hassle lol.

Dont release a hybrid snake into the wild! That is a FAIL idea and illegal. Think about it :whistle: If they mate in the wild then you single handedly could have messed up the local eco system or at least the natural species genetics.

They are probably worth something at a pet store. Hybrids usually are.
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