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F/S Ehgemus build 1.5W LPM tested $300~ SOLD!!!!

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X7 - I know the pics wasnt a slaes thread. Its a great pic of your lights but theres a bunch i cant figure out what laser or LED torch? Theres a few custom flashlights from CPF a few i have no clue..

Its one heck of a nice collection

Whatever Lens DTR tested it with is the one I sold it with. I don't know how to even switch the lenses. It's been like 8-9 Months since I sold the laser and this guy is still giving me neg rep points like I care as this handle will be deleted. I offered to buy the laser back if he met me at Grand central station as he says he lives 20 min from the city. That way there are cops and my Military bothers walking around so no one needs to worry abut anything. I won't give a refund on paypal as he might just keep the laser. He will not meet me though. The glasses did have scratches on them, i never said they were brand new or that they didn't, The charger was new so not sure how it was falling apart and i really never used it more than 5 minutes. I know no one believes me but that's the truth. The buyer seems to have a vendetta and exaggerated on a lot of things. Every person I sold to or bought from has had nothing but good things to say. One person means nothing to me. If a middle man tested it and it was bad i would have not sold it or would have sold it for a lower price. Who sta;lks someones page for 9 months? I didn't even sign on since august until a few days ago I wanted to sell/trade my iron man laser i had someone personally make in Germany and he will have nothing but good things to say. Bottom line i did not intentionally sell him a bad laser. I offered to buy it back after 9 months of stalking but he refuses so there's not much I can do. I don;t know much abut lasers i just go off of what DTR said it was but he wasn't exactly sure (not putting any type of blame on you) DTR was nice enough to put it together and all around seems like a great guy. The buyer needs to let this go if he won't sell it back with everything I sold it to him with. 9 months is a bit creepy to stalk someone.

Just giving my side of what happened. He also had the laser for 2 weeks before testing it himself. I lost interest in lasers by the time i even got the laser from DTR. It just sat there with all the others that's why I sold it. The only thing that I see i did wrong was accidentally sell it with the wrong lens which I don't know how that happened as i never took the laser apart.
I didn't delete anything i just made it so no one can see anything because its your story vs mine. I Asked the mods to delete this handle already cupcake so no need to cry and post PM's up. You are literally stalking me on the internet it's getting ridiculous. The military means nothing I just put it in there because i said my brothers(referring to my military brothers) would be at Grand central. Didn't realize I got $290 for it, go me!!!! I'm laughing about it because your stalking me, neg repping me then crying to the mods asking them to ban me when i already asked them to delete me myself. I don't want to be banned i want to be deleted.

If the mods asked every other person I sold to they would say it was a pleasure doing business. One person can't cry about something and ask for me to be banned. All I ask is to be deleted. I have never in my life seen anything like this. You have to be really young to be going on like this. So you want to tell the cops you got an axiz lens instead of a G1 but can't because the laser you have is illegal. You are too funny my man you really just made my day the whole cop thing, then crying to the mods about something sold 9 months ago. I am print screening this and keeping it for life so Whenever I am upset all I have to do is look at this page just this one page. Once everyone else see's it they may think twice before doing business.

Hey teacher this guy was smoking a cigarette outside he needs to go to the principals office. Hey you where's your hall pass...I'm telling. Also no where does it state I knowingly sold you a laser with the wrong lens. If I did I think I would admit it by now. That was the whole issue of why it was under powered. Anyway have a great holiday love you~Santa P.S. I will put Joeymutz on the naughty list.
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The record of our transaction, and conversations speaks for it self.

I have bought and sold a number of lasers. Also bought and sold stuff on ebay and craigslist. Never without problems.

All I ever expect is exactly what I pay for.

Btw... about the g1...

The price is now an even $300 because it has the G-1 lens and I'm also throwing in a pair of goggles/glasses, The battery and charger are still included.

That's exactly what you posted....
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I thought it was a G1 lens. My fault. I think you could have made more use of your time and made 10x the amount of what the G1 lens costs rather then stalk me for almost a year. Who the hell does that? It was $275 with the axiz lens and I gave it to you for $290 thinking it had a G1 as I stated my bad you lost out on $15. PM me your paypal info and i will send you $15. Seriously. I still want to be deleted but at least in your eyes this makes things right, that way I have 0 unhappy customers. Your still a little bitch though.~Santa
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1. You disabled your ability to receive private messages...

2. You stated earlier that you already have my information.

3. How much you bought a product for is irrelevant. What matters is what you sold it for. A g1 lens is $58. If you want to subtract $7 from that for the regular glass lens, that's fine.

I thought it was a G1 lens. My fault. I think you could have made more use of your time and made 10x the amount of what the G1 lens costs rather then stalk me for almost a year. Who the hell does that? It was $275 with the axiz lens and I gave it to you for $290 thinking it had a G1 as I stated my bad you lost out on $15. PM me your paypal info and i will send you $15. Seriously. I still want to be deleted but at least in your eyes this makes things right, that way I have 0 unhappy customers. Your still a little bitch though.~Santa
WOW... I just looked at his Rep sheet...

That looks a bit OCD to me....:whistle:

WOW... I just looked at his Rep sheet...

That looks a bit OCD to me....:whistle:


Got his attention though. I didn't have any other means of contact, and he was also the only guy that's ripped me off that isn't currently banned.

I wanted to make sure there was enough of a mark to prevent it from being simply overlooked or forgotten.
I didn't rip you off. You act like I sold you a laser and never sent it to you. I accidentally sold it to you with the wrong lens. It's my mistake it was a $15 difference and i offered to pay you back the $15. I haven't been banned yet probably because I'm offering you your $15. Sure I said a bunch of immature stuff in the PM's, when you log on for the first time in 6 months and see -245 for reputation you would be annoyed too. You have your G1 Lens now the laser is up to spec, I sent you glasses, 2 batteries(one you said wasn't good I never used it long enough to even know) and you received the charger as well which was used once to charge the batteries but according to you if was falling apart.

So there was a $15 price difference which i am offering you because I made a mistake. Things happen but there are better ways to deal with them rather then leaving Negative comments for at least 6 months. You seriously do have issues. It is crazy to me to keep following someone's account just to give them negative rep points. If you pm'd me and said hey you sold me the wrong lens can you refund me the $15 difference I would have not had a problem with that. Now stalking me for 6-9 months leaving negative comments isn't going to make anyone want to deal with you. Being the Honest guy I am I offer you the difference in the 2 prices i had up for different lenses. I sold it for the amount People said I should. DTR tested it wit a G1 so I thought it had a G1 on it. After selling all the lasers I had except a green one i have and the glove one I had I just stopped going onto the forum other things occupy my time now like more work, school, helping raise my GF son. I just want you to please leave me alone. Obviously I was pretty annoyed with all your comments and PM's then posting to ask me to be banned. I went down to your level and feel stupid for being immature.

If I give you your $15 refund for the difference in the $275 with the axiz lens and the $300 (but I sold it to you for $290 because you really wanted it and didn't want to pay the $300) with the G1 lens Will you leave me alone and never PM me or post comments on my page?

This is ridiculous I never in my life have heard of someone doing this to another person over $15. To be called a scammer and dishonest over all that is just absurd. I can't waste anymore of my time with this just. Refunding the $15 seems like the right thing to do. you bought the G1 lens and it wasn't under spec anymore so no need to ask for $290 back $15 is the only thing I will offer. If you still won't leave me alone after that then your just going to make yourself look stupid and immature and people are going to see you for who you are.
So many things wrong with what you're saying, I'm not going to bother with all of them. Just the highlights.

1. How much YOU paid for the laser with or without a g1 lens is irrelevant.

2. You sold YOUR laser as being 1.5W and with a g1 lens.

3. You provided a 1.2W laser without a g1 lens.

4. You turned off your ability to receive PM's so don't give me the BS line that I could have sent you a PM. You were also completely inactive for several months.

5. Before you turned off the ability to receive PM's I did send you messages that the laser was not as advertised. You gave me a BS line that it must have been something I did.

6. Price of a regular lens is $7. Price of a g1 lens $58.

7. Basic arithmetic 58-7 = 51.

8. You yourself raised the price from $250 to $300, which corroborates the ~$50 difference.

9. If you want to make this right, you have my PP information (according to one of your previous immature statements). Send over $51 and I promise to add you to my ignore list. I'll also update the thread the feedback section, to reflect that the issue has been resolved.

Ball is in your court.

I didn't rip you off. You act like I sold you a laser and never sent it to you. I accidentally sold it to you with the wrong lens. It's my mistake it was a $15 difference and i offered to pay you back the $15. I haven't been banned yet probably because I'm offering you your $15. Sure I said a bunch of immature stuff in the PM's, when you log on for the first time in 6 months and see -245 for reputation you would be annoyed too. You have your G1 Lens now the laser is up to spec, I sent you glasses, 2 batteries(one you said wasn't good I never used it long enough to even know) and you received the charger as well which was used once to charge the batteries but according to you if was falling apart.

So there was a $15 price difference which i am offering you because I made a mistake. Things happen but there are better ways to deal with them rather then leaving Negative comments for at least 6 months. You seriously do have issues. It is crazy to me to keep following someone's account just to give them negative rep points. If you pm'd me and said hey you sold me the wrong lens can you refund me the $15 difference I would have not had a problem with that. Now stalking me for 6-9 months leaving negative comments isn't going to make anyone want to deal with you. Being the Honest guy I am I offer you the difference in the 2 prices i had up for different lenses. I sold it for the amount People said I should. DTR tested it wit a G1 so I thought it had a G1 on it. After selling all the lasers I had except a green one i have and the glove one I had I just stopped going onto the forum other things occupy my time now like more work, school, helping raise my GF son. I just want you to please leave me alone. Obviously I was pretty annoyed with all your comments and PM's then posting to ask me to be banned. I went down to your level and feel stupid for being immature.

If I give you your $15 refund for the difference in the $275 with the axiz lens and the $300 (but I sold it to you for $290 because you really wanted it and didn't want to pay the $300) with the G1 lens Will you leave me alone and never PM me or post comments on my page?

This is ridiculous I never in my life have heard of someone doing this to another person over $15. To be called a scammer and dishonest over all that is just absurd. I can't waste anymore of my time with this just. Refunding the $15 seems like the right thing to do. you bought the G1 lens and it wasn't under spec anymore so no need to ask for $290 back $15 is the only thing I will offer. If you still won't leave me alone after that then your just going to make yourself look stupid and immature and people are going to see you for who you are.
Wow my phone loaded the rest of this thread after I posted a question... Sorry hope it works out
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He could just be dyslexic... he did say $15....:whistle:


That's clearly not the case. Read his post and you'll see how he is arriving at the $15 figure:

joeymutz said:
If I give you your $15 refund for the difference in the $275 with the axiz lens and the $300 (but I sold it to you for $290 because you really wanted it and didn't want to pay the $300)

However if you go to posts 15/16 you'll see that he upped the price from $250 to $300.


If he refunds me the $50 difference, I'll update his rep, this thread, and the other alert thread. If he doesn't... well he sold something other than he advertised, which is a scam.
I like the way he goes from insulting you to trying to sort it out.
Sounds like he's desperate to keep some kind of rep.
Even if he does refund you, seems like he should still be known for being this rude to someone who's given him their money.
And every sales thread he ever has should be watched to see for more foul play.
As I found out earlier tonight from another long time member, who also happens to be a builder with a stellar rep, this isn't the first time there's been a bit of fishy business with him.

This laser was actually my very first purchase through LPF. My second purchase was an LPM. I ordered them literally within days or each other.

Of course the laser was coming from NY, and the laserbee from canada, so I didn't get it for a while longer.

When I tested the laser and it came up to be 1.2W, I was of course dismayed. I contacted him about. The response I got back was that I must have done something to it. This is, as I know now, but was too new to know back then, was pure bs.

I basically let the issue drop at the time.

A long while later I was playing with other lasers, moving some parts around, and out of curiosity tried the laser out on an LPM with a g1 lens.

WHOAH!!!! It hit 1.48W on an uncharged battery that had ~15 minutes run time on it! Conversely putting the focus adapter form the ehgemus unto another laser that did have a g1 lens... lower readings!

Of course at the time he was completely inactive on lpf, and I had no other means of contact. I posted what I found earlier in this thread... and started leaving the guy neg reps to make sure the problem wouldn't be forgotten. In all honesty I wasn't expecting to ever see him online under this account again.

The PM exchange since he's been back online... well it's all there. I haven't gotten any other messages from him since.

In posts here, he's trying to make it look like I'm now avoiding him, or being unreasonable... the reality is he turned off his ability to receive PM's, and the only reason he wants to "sort it out" is that he has another laser to sell.

This situation is pretty cut and dry, and once again I'm giving him a chance to fix it.

Hell, if he wants the laser back for the $290, I'm fine with that too, but will definitely use a middle man.

Edit: Here's a little game... It's called pick out the Jayrob G1 lens...


Hint: It's not the one in the middle the laser was sold with.
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what was the fishy business? The only other problem i ever had was i broke a laser twice and the guy(yobresal) was extremely nice and fixed it for free I never blamed him or asked for it to be fixed for free he offered. The 2nd time i paid him to fix it because every time it was my fault on why it broke and time is money. I don't need any rep on here. I'm not going to sell the other laser. I could care less what people think on here. The $15 comes from selling the laser with the regular lens for $275 then i thought I sold it to you with a G1 for $290, $15 difference. Yes i raised the price not after you paid for it. I raised it before you paid for it you didn't have to buy it. So no matter what the laser was being sold for $275 with the axiz lens, I was told it was tested with a G1 lens so I thought it was a G1 so it was supposed to be $300 I sold it for $290. $15 difference I'm not giving you $51 back because you want me to pay for your lens. I said I would pay the difference in what the 2 separate prices were. If you can't understand that I can't do anything.

If someones rude to me i will be rude back plain and simple. I turned off my pm's and comments so you can't keep stalking me like you were. That's it. I don't need to sell things on here i can go to another forum if i really wanted to sell it. If people put themselves in my shoes they would understand a little better. No one is getting the full story you are copy and pasting pieces of it. Copy and paste what DTR said i should sell it for, paste the link to the thread in here. I was off this site for personal reasons not to duck anyone i didn't even know what was going on until i logged in for the first time. The last time i heard from this kid he wanted money back but he had not gotten the lens by that time. one more time $275 regular axiz lens, $290 G1 lens. It's up to spec now that it has a G1 lens so i wasn't lying about it being 1.5w. I made a simple mistake and sold the wrong lens so I owe you $15 if you can do simple math you will see. if you look at the thread with the prices you will see where the prices came from. If i was a scammer i wouldn't be on here wasting my time. Not sure who said they had an issue but you should post who it was so I can see if there really was a problem or maybe your just making one up. I never had problems with anyone on here except you. I understand where you are coming from but your not understanding the price difference it was being sold for. AXiz lens $275 G1 lens $290 $15 difference. I really hope you get it now.
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