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FrozenGate by Avery

Enchanted Beams Thread

Another nice photo in New Zealand, Will. Thanks for sharing it. I would rep you but I need to spread a lot more around before I can rep anybody I've been trying to. Seems like every time i try to rep someone it tells me this.

Amazing Pics Will and Radim! Thanks for sharing those! :p
- Why is it, that I find laser at near some water element most fascinating?

Couldn't help myself I had to try Opt Laser micro RGB even it dont have any host yet.


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Amazing Pics Will and Radim! Thanks for sharing those! :p
- Why is it, that I find laser at near some water element most fascinating?

Couldn't help myself I had to try Opt Laser micro RGB even it dont have any host yet.


Thank you for rep, ArcticDude (and thanks also to will manners and CurtisOliver). I also like your pics and all this tread.

I think it is because of amazing patterns of laser light on water and reflections. Just one of reasons... :)

I've just returned from laser painting and biking tour. So, let's see whats on the memory card. :D

The raw laser energy meets calm winter forest


The magic creek hidden in deep forest


Lord Voldemort killing a witness muggle of his secret dark magic

Radim, those are some superb photos, great work! :beer:
Thank you for sharing these, I love em.
:gj: and :kewlpics:
Thank you guys, I really appreciate your support (and many reps). It is a great motivation for me. I'm still learning how to use laser light and its unique characteristics. From every picture I make and even from many seen in this thread I get more (and endless) ideas for future work. So, thank you all for posting here.
Radim, all these landscape projection shots are just spectacular. It takes indoor shooting and turns it sideways. Thank you.
Just posted in the nature thread about our adventures in NZ and thought I'd post some more appropriate images here ;)



Golden Creek - 532 nm, 589 nm and moonlight

Amazing Pics Will and Radim! Thanks for sharing those! :p
- Why is it, that I find laser at near some water element most fascinating?

Couldn't help myself I had to try Opt Laser micro RGB even it dont have any host yet.


Will, beautiful shot my friend, love the NZ landscape !

Radim, your outdoor laser paintings are incredible :wave:

ArticDude, gotta love the RGB beam shots, the beam is beautiful shooting into the nightsky.
Can't wait to finish my build and I look forward to yours too.

