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Eagle Pair Safety Glasses and IR

Jan 4, 2016
Dear Forum Members,

I have recently purchased two (relatively) high power lasers from a website called Wish, which deals in mostly chinese product. Here they are:

Green One:
https://www.wish.com/search/green laser#cid=5620a1b73a698c4bc0d17b3b

Blue One:

https://www.wish.com/c/56208ea93a698c3792bfb74b?th_s=1&rel_p=2&abs_p=2&original_q=blue laser

I am well aware that these are nowhere near their advertised powers, but still present incredible dangers to my eyes. What I am not entirely sure of is if these glasses:

Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles

will offer sufficient protection from lasers purchased from less than reputable sources, as I am worried that these lasers might not come with IR filters, and the description of the eagle glasses says that "They are suitable for use with 405nm violet, 445nm blue, and 532nm DPSS green lasers that DO NOT produce significant amounts of unfiltered 1064nm infrared light. ". Additionally, if anyone could direct me towards a comprehensive safety guide for using these lasers, it would be much appreciated. I don't want to go blind.


Blue lasers don't need IR filters - so no worries on that one (You'll still need to wear the glasses of course!). The green laser *does not* have an IR filter. However, I wouldn't be too worried, as long as you avoid a direct hit or a hit from a reflection you shouldn't have any issues with the green. As it said in the description for the glasses, they will *NOT* protect you from IR - so as I said, avoid direct hits.

Those green pens usually do 50-100mW (Including IR).

As Alex said - there are already loads of threads covering this information. Use the white search bar at the bottom of the page if you're having trouble locating them.
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Not sure what green laser you purchased, your link is to a page of different ones, but yes a 532nm green laser is DPSS so yes it will leak some IR, with a low to medium power laser don't worry about it much, just don't point it at mirrors, glass, metal that will reflect it back at you. Those glasses don't protect from IR, just be careful and you're fine. The blue one has no IR. It's safe to view the beam of both lasers without glasses if you will be sure there is no accident, it is unsafe to not wear the glasses when burning stuff or when looking directly at the dot at close range, how close depends on the power of the laser, if it feels too bright to look at then it is, if you see pink squiggly lines ~ in your vision after viewing the dot then you are probably pressing your luck.

I am well aware that these are nowhere near their advertised powers, but still present incredible dangers to my eyes. What I am not entirely sure of is if these glasses:

Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles

will offer sufficient protection from lasers purchased from less than reputable sources, as I am worried that these lasers might not come with IR filters, and the description of the eagle glasses says that "They are suitable for use with 405nm violet, 445nm blue, and 532nm DPSS green lasers that DO NOT produce significant amounts of unfiltered 1064nm infrared light. ". Additionally, if anyone could direct me towards a comprehensive safety guide for using these lasers, it would be much appreciated. I don't want to go blind.


The pair your mentioned are perfect for any 445nm blue laser which do not emit any IR.

Just get one of the Eagle Pairs that also offer IR protection, then you never have to worry about it again with whatever output power 523nm green buy--see: Eagle Pair® 190-540nm & 800-2000nm Laser Safety Goggles and Eagle Pair® 190-540nm & 800-1700nm OD5 Laser Safety Goggles
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The pair your mentioned are perfect for any 445nm blue laser which do not emit any IR.

Just get one of the Eagle Pairs that also offer IR protection, then you never have to worry about it again with whatever output power 523nm green buy--see: Eagle Pair® 190-540nm & 800-2000nm Laser Safety Goggles and Eagle Pair® 190-540nm & 800-1700nm OD5 Laser Safety Goggles

I have the Survival OD5 goggles referenced above. I also bought an IR Laser and have several LED-based IR Illuminators (used for surveillance cameras) all at 850nm. My LPM barely registered on the laser (I also backed off quickly as I did not want to damage the goggles) and not at all on any of the Illuminators shining them through the goggles.
Thank you all for the information. I would go with the eagle pair that protects from IR, however I was warned by a friend of a friend about buying glasses manufactured in China. Just to be on the safe side, can anyone recommend a pair made in the United States or Europe? My budget is about 100 dollars. Thanks.

Edit*: I should probably mention that this friend of a friend is an expert and works in the industry.
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Thank you all for the information. I would go with the eagle pair that protects from IR, however I was warned by a friend of a friend about buying glasses manufactured in China. Just to be on the safe side, can anyone recommend a pair made in the United States or Europe? My budget is about 100 dollars. Thanks.

Edit*: I should probably mention that this friend of a friend is an expert and works in the industry.

If he told you to beware of crappy Chinese glasses, then I'm sure he told you the lasers you bought weren't any better, yes?

Eagle Pair is the best brand you can buy for the money, if you want to get certified laser protective glasses for hundreds of dollars, please by all means do so, they won't steer you wrong, but there's nothing wrong with Eagle Pair with the lasers you've just purchased. (as long as they match the wavelength of your lasers)
Haha he was mostly concerned with the safety aspect rather than the performance :). I just wanted to be sure that there is zero possiblity of damaging my vision. Thanks again.
