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FrozenGate by Avery

DX G301 Laser Pointer

Jan 12, 2014
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie in the "lasers technology", mostly using lasers for fun, so I don't expect a high-priced one lol. Today I visited dx.com, from where I've already got the classic 5mW laser pointer which does its job, but I wanted something more powerful and cheap, so I found this one, it's defined as a "burning" one, but that's true?


I've seen some YouTube reviews for the old G301 "burning" laser, but it has been tagged as 200mW, not 5dB/mW as it says in the current specifications.

Shortly, I wanna know if it makes any difference if I get this G031 532nm laser, compared to the actual 5mW True Green Laser. Will the beam be stronger? Far visible than the 5mW one? Thanks for your time. I hope I'm posting in the right place. :thanks:
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This laser will most likely be around 50-100 mw . They vary in strength very much. May or may not be stronger than any other "5mw" pointer because you can't really predict the strength until you've received it and measured it. But if it does indeed turn out to be on the high end of 100mw (not 200) it will light matches, smoke black materials, pop balloons etc. but remember, adding power, add danger of course.
My advice is, even though its just for fun, get something that will last, and you will be genuinely happy with.

Laserbtb has some great pens. And pretty cheap at that.

Good luck.

Our lasers are just for fun too ;)
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any burning/balloon popping REQUIRES safety glasses and those cost $45 shipped from survival laser. They are the cheapest proper LASER safety glasses available so dont ask if there is a cheaper option. PLUS people who ask for cheaper safety glasses are idiots IMO. How much to you value your vision? $10 piece of crap, junk safety glasses or $45 for good safety glasses OR $100+ for certified safety glasses. Choice is yours, you have to live with your decision and the risk of having the cheap glasses fail (like they always do)
Why do I need glasses since I'm using it only outside and at far range (like pointing at a block 200m away)? I'm not using the laser indoor. I think glasses are for those who are using the laser for other purposes, not my case.
This laser will most likely be around 50-100 mw . They vary in strength very much. May or may not be stronger than any other "5mw" pointer because you can't really predict the strength until you've received it and measured it.
So why they are saying in the description that the power has only 5mW? How do you know it will be most likely around 50-100mW? This means at least 10x stronger than my actual 5mW one (if it has 50mW)...
DX had stopped selling >5mW lasers a few years ago. Seems like they're back but are all described as <5mW to avoid paypal trouble.

Even the old dildas are back. That's good news, those used to put out between 50-250mW and the host (while ugly) is quite functional:
LZZ-40518 Adjustable 5mW 405nm Blue-Violet Laser Pointer - Black (2 x CR2) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme
LZZ-66018 Adjustable 5mW 650nm Red Laser Pointer - Black (2 x CR2) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme

I don't think anyone here has bought DX lasers lately, the only way to find out what their power is is to buy one. Forget about the listed specs, they are bullshit and have always been.

About goggles: no, you don't need them to see the beam outside. For lasers around 50-200mW you don't even need them to point at non reflective surfaces from a reasonable distance - just don't look at the dot up close (1-2m is fine) and don't point at anything shiny. For burning it's better to have goggles, because burning can change surface reflection.
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Yeah I know they had problems with PP on the ones higher than 5mW, let's hope this one is cool and better than my actual $8 laser pointer lol.

Ordered it.
Hey everyone, I'm new to lasers and this forum site.
I recently bought a G301 from dx.com
I've wanted lasers for years and finally pulled the trigger. My main criteria that I hope my G301 will satisfy is that I want a visible beam during day time (at least insight with indoor lighting). Does the G301 do that?
Hey everyone, I'm new to lasers and this forum site.
I recently bought a G301 from dx.com
I've wanted lasers for years and finally pulled the trigger. My main criteria that I hope my G301 will satisfy is that I want a visible beam during day time (at least insight with indoor lighting). Does the G301 do that?

Welcome to the forum. Please don't post on old threads, it is in bad taste. :)
To answer your question, the beam will probably be borderline visible during the day. Unfortunately, as the 301 has little to no quality control, there is no way to tell until you get it. Best of luck :)
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