I wouldnt doubt it.. although as my above edit states, mine has the same constrution as the DX200 pics on their site. My old broken NewWish 50mw(eBay special) was an APC/potted driver setup. As per the NW spec thread, what you say wouldn't surprise me one bit, though.
I can definitely say this 150 is much brighter than the 50. Even with the APC killed, and the pot replaced by a chunk of solder, the 50 would not burn and was much dimmer(this 150 is quite blinding
The whole "True" thing with these confuses me. If this is a true 50 on steroids, then that means the "true" lasers have NO APC or pot. Other threads including mine on the subject seem to suggest the "trues" as having an IR filter.
Either way, stability and brightnes-wise, this thing kicks azz
I can definitely say this 150 is much brighter than the 50. Even with the APC killed, and the pot replaced by a chunk of solder, the 50 would not burn and was much dimmer(this 150 is quite blinding

The whole "True" thing with these confuses me. If this is a true 50 on steroids, then that means the "true" lasers have NO APC or pot. Other threads including mine on the subject seem to suggest the "trues" as having an IR filter.
Either way, stability and brightnes-wise, this thing kicks azz