So What- are you thinking that 50 mW of 405 is eye safe?? cause it s not read on..
Thanks all. I own a LPM so I can check the power but my parents took away ALL my lasers after they read about how some lasers release eye damaging IR.

Even after I showed them articles about non-DPPS. They are just stubborn.
While this may not please you I must say its great to see parents taking an active role in your hobby-- far too often they don't and this can be very bad for everyone.
LPMs do not make lasers safer-
nor does eye ware if not being used when needed and for the proper wavelength.
Point-- I recently added a <5$ 5mW 405 pen(actual output ~50 mW) to an order for a Ti-B titanium jetlaser 532/100- as a gift- I heard back from the buyer and he told me he gave the 405 to his son to 'play' with as it seemed 'dim' and maybe needed a new batt.
I freaked...
and was very glad I did not send him a free IR laser as they seem VERY dim -too
-405 can be the most dangerous due to our eyes not 'seeing' it very well- the pupils dilate- allowing even more light to enter our eyes and that makes the whole thing worse.
Perhaps you should build a few easy laser projects to allow your parents to see more than just handhelds- even a simple two motor spiro can have that effect on those not 'into' lasers.
To achieve the opposite effects show them a laser popping a balloon or lighting a match-
and to get some days off from school just take one to class with you and be sure to hand it over to every dude that wants to 'play' with it<-

- that's sarcasm in case you did not realize that.
good luck- hk