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FrozenGate by Avery

Do not buy from o-like

Oh I see what happened now, it's not your fault it's the shippers fault. If any and I doubt they will even do that, they might fine you for the wrong declaration, but again you are not the one that declared it, but they might use that as a loop hole to say then it would be returned to sender...in that case I would offer to see if customs would correct that for you for, and I'm sure that would involve a fee. Do yourself a favor and bring all the proof with you, invoice / paypal etc to show what you purchased & amount paid; only show them that stuff IF you have to.

Oh funny one about the sig, do you just want to me to type up a page of meaningless stuff to make my reply longer?:crackup:

Yeah; I will go into town this Friday - and I will take everything with me, including some correspondence via email from Susie - and I will use the information sparingly. I'm not racist; in fact I'm marrying an African and I've lived internationally before - but I have to cover my bases when saying this, because people in the Western world are over-sensitive about racism. The fact of the matter is that THIS IS FIJI - and anything can happen. People here think differently; and they may very well make up a rule that doesn't even exist.

I will be angling first as a "regular Joe Blo" who has a hobby and just wants his parcel, if there is any trouble then I'll move forward with some documentation and logical arguments. I even have two pairs of safety goggles in the package - so I can show them that I respect the dangers of my hobby, just as someone working with electrics wears safety gloves. I'll print out the receipt/payment information, and I'll be printing out some cool laser pics - to show the photographic/artistic element of the hobby, along with some pictures of star pointing etc. I will be opening the package at the front counter, so if they try to physically remove it from my hands - I'll just bolt out the front door.... (jokes.... jokes...). :angel:

Sorry for the long post - yeah I wasn't trying to trick you into a long post; just admiring your long signature.

Yikes! by the looks at that form the only worry your going to have is your wallet looks like it's going to get lighter.
Electron - turns out everything was fine. Scary experience - but I did confirm before hand that these things are LEGAL in Fiji. Customs even opened my box and looked at the laser, she held it in her hand, and gave it back to me and let me go!

Here is a FULL REVIEW for everyone's enjoyment.
I'm very happy it all worked out for you, the paper did make it seem like it would be bad; but your in good shape now.....have fun!
Would you guys say that o-like now in 2013 is better? I really want to buy from them but im not sure if i should.
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Would you guys say that o-like now in 2013 is better? I really want to buy from them but im not sure if i should.

I've actually did a review on their products a few weeks back.
Their shipping is actually quite well packed.
However, there is an issue with their products being underspecced.
For example.
A 1000mW 445nm I reviewed , when you look at the fine print. It actually says <800mW.
Even then when you LPM their laser , its only doing around 720mW...
So its CRUCIAL to read the fine prints before you buy anything.
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