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FrozenGate by Avery

do i have to worry .. diffraction

Feb 8, 2013

so when i wanted to clean my lens i discoverd that without a lens it has defraction .. or a water ripple effect
do i have to worry about this ? or is it harmless ..
i know i did not have this problem before and with the lens on there is no problem . it's a nice clean beam and point

another example of my problem but from wiki


Welkom op het forum..

''Welcome to the forum''

More info is a must, as in what laser are we speaking about... to start with.

This , so we can rule out some quick facts etc.. and start from there.
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Could be a bunch of different things... doesn't really look like a mode shift though, looks more like some kind of dust/debris
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wauw alot of answers ..

ehm it's this one

it's a 100mw 532nm laser from warnlasers
i had a tem problem before, no it is still tem 00
i think it is dirt or something but i am to afraid to do anything to it because i cannot afford a new one and with the lens on there is no problem ..

i had an earlyer post
where it i got a replacement because they sent me a broken one .
ps ik kan ook gewoon nederlands als dat makkelijker is

ignore this if you cannot read it
It could be the OC inside below the focusibg lens. Have you tried cleaning that?
