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FrozenGate by Avery

DIY Laser Torch

Got my 5 SenKat LDs on Thursday morning and today I finished my 5 torches ;D
No issues and all LDs work fine. I am running at 2.74 v and 250mA and they all light matches and smoke wood.
I will try and take a video and post it up.

I put Arctic Silver 5 around the LD before inserting in the AixiZ housing and I also put Arctic Silver 5 between the 3 washers. I have only run each torch for a max 60 seconds before turning off but there is no heat around the end of the AixiZ module. It does not even feel warm :-? they burn okay so I guess it's alright

Many thanks Daedal for doing the tutorial for this excellent burner.

NP xgeek... I'd love to see them all together ;D ;) Maybe all focused together burning a match? :-? YIKES! ;D

I only have 1 set of CR123 batteries  :'(


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Ok...I just changed the single 1/2 watt 5 Ohm..with (2) 1/2 Watt 10 Ohm....

It's getting a little tight inside that module...but it fit..and nothing is shorting out..So It looks like this part is Complete...

I tested using a Large red 3V Led...and it measured 180 mw using a 1 ohm sense resistor..and 2.8Volts across the LED

You can see the size of the Aluminium heatsink that I made for this light......

My hopes are that this will be home for one of those red "Phaser" diodes that Daedal found and is currently testing!!

I can't wait for his final report...thusfar he seems impressed with the samples!!

Here are some pics




Thanks...I wanted something that would give me longer runtimes at higher powers...

Currently my best burner is a Minimag..
it has a capacitor but no current limitation.
Wide open flow to a Pair of Energizer E2 lithium AA cells ....

It's an open can diode out of a 20X DVD burner...and MAN it cab burn...

Only drawback is it gets warm pretty fast!! as you can imagine !!

Did you turn that yourself? If you did you might get a flood of folks asking for spacer/heatsinks made for them I've gotten so many requests unfortunetly I don't get that many and at a machine shop they are expensive to have them turn you heatsinks.
Yes..I only placed that there for size comparison

Yes I did spin these up myself...

Daedal said:
Start off by pulling the little circuit out of the enclosure. The Circuit is simply pressed in. Grab a small flathead screwdriver or an exacto knife and pry the thing out of place. The LED is simply placed on there with nothing holding it in place. Desoldering the blue wire from the LED is all you’ll need to do to pull out the LED. It’s a nice LED, and they actually went hi-tech here and used Silver Solder on the joint so the wire wouldn’t desolder on its own from the heat of the LED.

Notice the “circuit” is nothing but a current limiting resistor. The resistor on mine measured in at 3-ohms. Which is WAY out of the 5% tolerance range.  :o

Of course, desolder the resistor and note where the resistor was connected. On this circuit, there is one solder joint that is connected to the positive battery terminal and the negative it connected through the aluminum shell.
I have a couple of senkats diodes on the way and the Aixiz moduel as well. Thanks for explaining the grounding...
Daedal said:
We now have 2 wires coming out of the aluminum enclosure and heading towards the front of the flashlight. Start by placing the LD into the AixiZ module, preferably using Arctic Silver, then cutting the third pin coming out of the LD. Then place the capacitor and the 1N4001 diode on the back of the LD.

MAKE SURE NONE OF THE CONNECTIONS OR LD TERMINALS ARE TOUCHING THE AIXIZ MODULE WHEN YOU CLOSE IT. There’s plenty of space in the AixiZ module, so you should be fine.
Hi, I have parts on order....will I need to also order the capacitor and the 1N4001 that you are referring to?
Kenom said:
Did you turn that yourself? If you did you might get a flood of folks asking for spacer/heatsinks made for them I've gotten so many requests unfortunetly I don't get that many and at a machine shop they are expensive to have them turn you heatsinks.

Yep, count me in for a couple if you do.
jayrob said:
[quote author=Daedal link=1186966870/0#8 date=1186967064]We now have 2 wires coming out of the aluminum enclosure and heading towards the front of the flashlight. Start by placing the LD into the AixiZ module, preferably using Arctic Silver, then cutting the third pin coming out of the LD. Then place the capacitor and the 1N4001 diode on the back of the LD.

MAKE SURE NONE OF THE CONNECTIONS OR LD TERMINALS ARE TOUCHING THE AIXIZ MODULE WHEN YOU CLOSE IT. There’s plenty of space in the AixiZ module, so you should be fine.
Hi, I have parts on order....will I need to also order the capacitor and the 1N4001 that you are referring to? Or, are these parts in the Aixiz moduel?

You have to buy them separately.

