My guess for the op-amp is a TI TLC2272 Rail-rail - Just now received some in the mail from Digikey. I have 2 bad Dilda boards, and one of them definitely has a bad Op-amp as well as both have blown PNP transistors. The test will be to see if I can repair these with the parts I just got. If so, then we can be pretty sure this is all correct. What clued me in to the op-amp was that one of mine has a suspicious symbol of texas stamped under a number 272...
It worked! Both boards are working.

It is definitely the right Op-amp or at least a direct replacement, and the PNP I got, a 2SB1073 (20V, 4A, 1W, Mini-power) - seems to work okay as well. So, now I have 3 newer, working driver boards and an older "working" driver board, and no use for them, LOL. ;D