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FrozenGate by Avery

DC-DC Buck Converter Design for 5V 5A laser control.


I'm gonna stop you right there. because you're not. You're not processing any of the information provided to you, only bitching and moaning about Arduinos, which no one else here has mentioned but you.
... OK.

1607620069603.pngFollowing your advices, implementing a proportional loop (P control) obviously with a resistor and a capacitor based on 3 times the times of turn off (16us), with a reverse 5V1 diode at the output, and limiting the current (with LM317 with some TIP71 transistors to amplify the current) at the source of the MOSFET, or using a fast switching source fixed at 5A máximun, this design should protect the diode, right?

The point is that I'm already using an Nichia NUBM44, and at 4.5V demands me an averege of 4.7A, it passes 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 munites and there's no overdemanding current.

Maybe, that's the point of all this stuff, have you ever used this diode? or maybe I'm totally wrong, or maybe I have an alien technology diode. Please, let's clarify this.
