99.9 % of lasers here, if sold would be illegal.
There are tons of stuff for sale on FS and Laser Pro Shop that are illegal- what's new? The laws cover the sale of the lasers, not purchase and construction.
OK Federal Agents at your door is maybe new, but it's all in the Regs.
An illegal 5.1mW laser pointer is not dangerous, and I agree a seller can be selling dangerous goods. And new laws many don't know about since 9/11. HecK, here in California, it is illegal to sell any laser to a minor (even a classIIIa leagal unit), and the ill written law actually bans lasers from school grounds. I have not seen any "Laser Free School Zone " signs however. But laws like this could limit education of lasers in science classes, etc.
Anyway, I agree, any scammer should go, and good the site is down!
Originally Posted by
Just so you know the lasers he is selling are highly illegal. We had a seller here that had federal agents come to his home because he was selling fully functioning non FDA compliant lasers. If your running his website you better start collecting some fees so you can hire an attorney when his number is up and they find out you run the website trafficking illegal and dangerous lasers. :wtf: