I agree with toaster. Paraphenalia in the car is a big no no. A few years ago, my wife was out with friends. She did not plan on drinking a lot, but was a bit tipsy at the end of the night. So she did the responsibile thing and called her sister to pick her up (I was away on business) her sister picked her up, and on the way home, they got pulled over. The cops searched the car since my wife was tipsy. Well, they found 2 pipes. My wife has never smoked or done drugs, neither have I. However, since there were 2 pipes, not even in use, my wife and her sister got slapped with possession because it was" within reach" , one for each. My wife is a teacher, a career which will pretty much be killed with any alcohol or drug related legal issues. Long story short, a lot of lawyer fees, court time, probation period, ARD rehabilitation program and a lot of other bs, her record was exponged of the charges so she could continue her career. Just my. 02 on the issue at hand. Doesn't seem worth it to me.