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FrozenGate by Avery

custom positive battery connection

Feb 25, 2008
Does anyone have a source for 26mm round circuit boards? I need one to use for a positive battery connection.

The other thing I thought of was getting something like this, cutting it, and adding some solder in the middle to the positive connection along with some around the edge for negative.


Here's something I did a while back:


This was done on my red C6, which is in my sig if you want to see more. Anyways, you can rough cut a round-ish shape, with a hole in the middle and correct it with a drill press (or regular drill in a bench vise).

Bolt a screw thru the hole and chuck it in the drill press. Spin her up, and use 60 or so grit sandpaper to round it off. Check the size with calipers or the finished application and you've got it made.

Hope this helps with your project. Just make sure you tell us about it... we like cool projects here!!!


  • 52787d1471136770-another-c6-custom-heat-sink-photos-20120823_131848.jpg
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How many would you need, how long? Usually I do something similar to Spectre Gadget except with wood
Dr_Evil, something like This from Kaidomain, may also work for you, it's 4.5mm larger than what you need, but it looks like it could be trimmed to size, and still leave copper around the edge for (-) contact if you need it.

Edit: Here is another option that you could make work, available from here in the U.S. at Mountain Electronics.
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