Okay, so after nearly 2 years of constant abuse(slamming keyboard/trackpad, throwing, dropping, rough handling, etc) my laptop finally decided to conk out. I was typing up a report when the computer decided to "act up"; in a rushed and pissed off state, I slammed the trackpad pretty hard. At that point, things started going downhill, the mouse and screen still worked but nothing would open when clicked. I left it for about 20 minutes and nothing had changed so I attempted to restart it by holding down the power button. Since then, I have not been able to boot windows; I am running dual boot(ubuntu and vista). For some reason, Ubuntu seems to be running perfectly fine; it's Vista that doesn't boot. Any attempts to boot vista is met with a black screen. I have a feeling that I may have caused the HD to crash/corrupt files when I hit the computer.
The main problem now is backing up some files. I know enough DOS commands to transfer my stuff to an external but I can't seem to get a DOS window. Upon startup, there are no options to boot windows in safe mode, DOS, etc. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get a DOS command prompt? BTW, my laptop is a HP pavilion DV2500(Got it back in late 07).