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Complete wicked lasers set, looking for insight on what they’re worth?


Apr 24, 2013
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has insight on what my collection might be worth. I’ve had these for a while and they just collect dust in a case. I have one expanded lens kit then the 4 lasers

Inferno - 750mw
Lunar - 500mw (short case)
Arctic - 2W
Krypton - 1.5W (532nm)

Apparently, the new lunar is in a long case like the Inferno and Krypton mine is in a short case like the Arctic.

Secondly, my krypton is one of the earlier ones when they listed it as 1.5w with a 532nm wavelength not the 520.


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They're worth whatever a collector is willing to pay for them.
Without collector value, the direct diode lasers aren't really special aside from the "tacticool lightsaber" aesthetic they have going on.
The 532 nm green one is more interesting than any of the others. I'd say that one is worth the most, as it's rare to find powerful portable DPSS green lasers these days. If it really does output 1.5 W, that's something special and I wouldn't sell it. Hell, even at 500 mW it would be a very cool laser. As time goes on, and as it becomes more difficult to find lasers like that, my guess is that it will become more valuable due to scarcity.
Ebay is a good place to see what other people are trying to sell them for.... Doesn't mean that anyone is actually buying them though.

would you want to piece them up? Or set only?
If I did decide to sell them, I would only be selling them as a complete set but I’m still very back-and-forth on that. I don’t use them. I’d be nice for some extra cash, but on the flipside I’ll probably never find four of them again.
I let a full set of WL old style Nano's go several years ago......Now I regret that decission. It was a nice part of the collection.
If I did decide to sell them, I would only be selling them as a complete set but I’m still very back-and-forth on that. I don’t use them. I’d be nice for some extra cash, but on the flipside I’ll probably never find four of them again.
I see that this can't be avoided. Everyone knows you want to sell. I think we can over look the 20 post rule just this once because you seem like a legit guy. But do try to get that 20 in for me. A good way to do that is to introduce yourself in the welcome section. Share some thoughts and ideas. Doesn't have to be laser related either so hop to it. :)
It would be quite unusual to find a 1.5 watt 532nm DPSS laser in a host. I looked at your photographs of the lasers I didn't see that one among them.
The 532nm Kryptons were never really 1.5W and some advertised as 1.5W didn't even do 1W plus they were prone to mode hopping.....I expect a dpss 532nm over 1w really needs active thermal management.
JetLasers has been known to ship 532nm PL-E Pros that can reach 1W territory if you ask nicely
Very nice, I'm sure you get great reach with their beam expander.
Also like that AR coated dust window and the safety features. :)
I would buy a new Jet over an old WL without a 2nd thought.
My interest as a laser collector is based on historical significance, representation of makers, and unique or interesting design features. But that interest didn't really kick in until after completing 40 trips around the sun. Before that, I had one old laser and a few He-Ne lasers that died of natural causes from use making holograms.

The value of things comes from rarity multiplied by audience. The rarest thing is worthless if nobody cares. If everyone cares, it doesn't have to be rare. Lasers are closer to the former than the latter. Having said that, when confronted with a pointer made since 2010 I'd ask myself "what's special about it?". Is it a "first"? Is it a "most powerful?" Is it memorable because of some feature? Was it owned by someone "famous?" (even if only in the industry). Will people look back in 20 years and say "I remember THAT one!"? If these questions are difficult to answer, I'd say enjoy the laser as much and as long as possible. Pass it on to your kids. Write about your interest in lasers and experience with yours. A story gives value and context to an object. They'll cherish it.

I have a Wicked Lasers Arctic Spyder blue laser I ordered when first announced (and waited well over a year for it). There are probably lots of commercially made pointers made since that groundbreaking one that should be in a legitimate laser history museum, but I'm not the one to identify them. So I'd ask, what do people here think will be the most fondly remembered handheld lasers 20 years from now? The first 520nm pointer? The first "gattling" style host? Other "firsts"? Signature models from significant companies? Any "biggest"? Which homebuilt lasers should make the list? What design features are groundbreaking and/or memorable?

What would be your "Top Ten" list for collectable lasers made in this century?
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I ordered the 1st rendition 1w Arctic, before the added safety features but they never delivered it, WL refunded my 199.99 and raised the price to 299.99 after I waited for months, so I never bought from them again, only WL I ever owned was a 55mw 532nm pen type pointer and it was very cool.

I suppose people often want another of what they had to remember that time in history, like people collect classic cars just like the ones they drove when they were younger, so if I had excitedly bought every new WL laser model when it 1st came out, then I too might have interest in collecting them all again years later.

I look forward to collecting the 1st quantum dot visible laser diodes and making them tomorrows collectibles. :)
I’d love to collect a 100mw 473nm from Jet, a first edition 532nm Viper series from DL, and many others that DL offered over the years for starters. I was lucky enough to come across a 589 Spartan just over a year ago. I used to want the Arctic but I’m happier with my 465nm PL-E pro now. Sanwu’s RGB is up there too probably. I feel like there were more around the 2008-2010 era that I’m forgetting
Yes Sanwu RGB is a sweet unit, I should have bought one when they were 749.00 or something like that but I have several hobbies and never enough funds to get everything I would like to have, but that makes what I do have more special. :)

Your 589 Spartan is a very nice find, I'm hoping maybe we will see a direct yellow later this decade.
