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  • I'm sorry but you must make 20 posts minimum before you sell. It doesn't matter when you joined. I don't make the rules. I just enforce them. I know it's a pain so if you want to make 20 low quality posts that's fine but don't post on old threads. Thank you for your cooperation.
    Thank you for the welcome back. Could I post my inquiry in the same buy sell trade forum?
    Unown (WILD)
    Unown (WILD)
    I would post it in either lasers are general. I mean you could do off topic as well
    Point is it cannot hint towards a sale. It's kinda known now though since this is public. I believe this rule was put in place because too many new members made fake accounts and scammed a lot of members through pm's.
    Oh, believe me, I use Facebook marketplace and craigslist a lot. I am very familiar with people that try to pull a fast one on innocent buyers unfortunately. I’m not like that, I would never do something to someone that I would not want done to myself. But I understand the rules are the rules I will make 20 or so posts before listing them for sale again, thank you.
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