What has college given me?
Well, opportunities. It's not about getting a "good" education, or "investing" in college so that you make more money or are successful. It's about making connections, and meeting people, and learning more about yourself.
6 years of university in, with 1 more to go, and I'm quite comfortable admitting that it's 10% about what you learn, and 90% about the connections that you make, and the opportunities that will only open up if you have that schooling on paper. This is frustrating in principal, but it works in reality.
You CAN be a huge success without university education. But you can also be a successful musician without musical training, run a marathon without a running coach, and get a mortgage without a steady job.
- It's just harder, and most of the time it's a lot more of a struggle, with lots more uncertainty and luck factoring in.
There are numerous examples of successful people who left high-school and have no college experience. We're all familiar with those examples, because they're so impressive that they get talked about. Sometimes it's easy to forget that for every Bill Gates who dropped out of college, and for every "family friend" who started a business straight out of high-school and now drives a Porsche, there are a hundred people whose success came after completing a degree, and a hundred people without degrees who aren't having much luck at all.
Side Note 1: Why does everyone in the US seem to go to College instead of University? Do you just not have many Universities per capita? College is sort of looked down on in Canada (at least relative to University), but in the US I always hear people talking about going to College.
Side Note 2: Fenzir, what on earth are you studying that requires 18 years on campus??? Undergrad (4) + Masters (2) + PHD (2) + Med School (3) = 13... and that's the most ridiculous drawn-out education plan I could think of!
EDIT: Maybe I should have studied MATH in University, because 4+2+2+3 clearly equals 11, not 13