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FrozenGate by Avery

Collecting money on brand new S1 lenses

TomD and hoo7h are updated on the spreadsheet except for payment. Need to get that from Eitan. I am hoping this thing gets going as soon as possible. I am ready for my new lenses just like the rest of you. This is far later than I expected the payment and ordering to take when I first started this group buy. I don't see why these can't be claimed as costing 25 cents each. There is no way of telling by looking at them. Oh well, not much I can do about it.
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TomD and hoo7h are updated on the spreadsheet except for payment. Need to get that from Eitan. I am hoping this thing gets going as soon as possible. I am ready for my new lenses just like the rest of you. This is far later than I expected the payment and ordering to take when I first started this group buy. I don't see why these can't be claimed as costing 25 cents each. There is no way of telling by looking at them. Oh well, not much I can do about it.

Yeah it is a week later but the time went fast didn't it? Or is it just me
Everybody who has paid so far has been updated on the spreadsheet. Still waiting on the same two people.
I have been told that the customs thing is not going to be a huge thing to worry about. I can't say more than that about it. The lenses will be ordered in the next day or two. So, I've got my fingers crossed. I really want my lenses as soon as I can get them.
I agree with the fact that even if these lenses are valued at 25cents no customs agent would recognize theses (unless it turns out to be a LPF member) as stuff from china is fairly cheap and with around 360 of these small lenses it shouldn't be a big deal as they probably have better stuff to deal with. Similar to like how the value of even a 3.5W 445nm diode is declared to be $5, anyone would doubt that as it would just seem like some electronic part or so.
i think he is saying that he would not be contacting customs, but more of a Shipping agent although he is saying customs agent, and by the sounds of it he can "test the waters" with the agent ,
Either way im in this till the end, Got Your Backs Paul and Eitan!

-- correct- all countries try for a 'tax' but the sheer number of small packages that DO contain ' commercial sample-no value' makes having an issue less-

that has happened with 1 or 2 i sent to China- an employee had to go and pay cash to, get a release- then the source told me that had hooked up with an import 'agent' to keep that from happening- IIRC they wanted like $100 usd then upped that to $150- this was IIRC 7 or 8 big lasers-

But we are talking about China ( I assume) to Israel and then to USA etc.
Wish I could say for certain the safest way would have been.. china to paul USA & he ( or another) reships- those not CONUS could get them from Joker- or another party-

these lenses are much like baskets and eggs- "all in one" some in several?? what if this and that--

-- you are seeing in this GB just SOME of the pitfalls of doing a GB-

there are very many some we have not yet heard about--

more have started one and either it failed or they NEVER wanted to do another- and being 'second-guessed' by some asshat is of no help-- especailly in the open forum as some kinds of 'rep' damage can NEVER be made to go away- --no matter how false-

this thread has as nearly as many posts as the lens order-

The hosts have at least once asked for 'back on topic'

From ALL my GBs " GROUP BUYS always come with some risks- by joining this one you are agreeing to share these risks equally''

IF the worst is another 25cents/lens I will be thrilled-

I have spent some time learning about al this from AixiZ Laser (Houston) and was present once when a box of 5000 blank aixiz modules arrived- NOT assembled BTW-
it was 'Brown' and there was a small hole on one corner and when the box was turned over some parts fell out- AixiZ Chuck said-' i have seen worse- its part of the biz'
he has a +100,000 ( $ or pcs ...right now not sure which) inventory and 99% was shipped from China- makes our 350 pcs look like easy money--

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I'd be happy to buy another 3 if need be to take my total to 10.

Actually, I will take another 3. PM incoming
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Same here- can add a few if needed--but I am also agreeing to give some more time- both are not new here-and have good rep- and likely good reason for the delay-
Hi Everyone ,

I will not add more lenses at the moment. It will just add a lot of work and I got the final PI from the supplier already.

As the situation in Israel is not so good .. And we are getting bombed I can not really move out of the house.

By sunday - Monday we will order the lenses. Please be patient :) I am doing my best. And I also have a lot of orders to complete.

We will get our lenses asap. I need my lenses too.

I will try to reply all PMS asap.

Thank you all for participating ! :beer:
I cant imagine living like that. I freak out when the power goes out for an hour and I cant watch TV. Or the food delivery guy is 10 minutes late. And people still wonder why some countries hate the US. I'm sitting here in my recliner in my air conditioned condo with my laptop and 60'' TV sucking up electricity. You're sitting there with fear and death surrounding you and you're still thinking of others. Its a stark contrast. We should be all thankful for what we have.

No rush from me. :)

It is okay :) thank for the understanding :)

In Israel every house has a bomb shelter. It is a must in every home. Otherwise you can not build the house as goverment will not give you permission to build it.

Personally I am used to that situation. It is bad though. But we have to move on :)

I waiting to the day we will have peace here. Hopefully that day will arrive soon :beer:
Well, I am looking forward to the weekend as the lenses should be paid for by then. I want my lenses just as badly as anyone who has ordered. I am not looking forward to the possibility of customs opening and examining the shipment, but f it happens, I think the added charge/ lens will be small. I hope that nothing else occurs to hold up the ordering and payment for these lenses. ;)
I am a patient fellow when it comes to group buys, atleast in this case. Thanks for organizing it Joker and Paul. I'll look forward to finding out when they arrive.

Joke please stay safe with all the bombing. Out of curiosity are you Jewish?
I am a patient fellow when it comes to group buys, atleast in this case. Thanks for organizing it Joker and Paul. I'll look forward to finding out when they arrive.

Joke please stay safe with all the bombing. Out of curiosity are you Jewish?

Yes I am jewish :)

But ... unlike what you see in the States ... I am not religious. Most of us are not. ( About %95 are not religious in Israel ).

I will stay safe. Just hope it will end. I just want to build more lasers without stopping because of bombs ...

It will be okay. On monday the supplier will get the money. ( as they do not work on sundays in China ).

And everyone will get their lenses soon :beer:
