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CNI releases 577 DPSS laser!

Been checking the CNI website the last few days & they've been releasing tons of new wavelength's recently!

Looks like we finally have a true yellow! :)

577 nm Yellow Laser, Solid State Laser, Yellow Laser Module | CNIlaser


Thanks, I haven't looked at CNI's site for a very long time.

That is expensive. Maybe next year:D

Nah, just sell you Ferrari to get the cash to buy it :crackup:.

Oh well, I guess you'll just have to wait and hope that new technological advancements make more yellow wavelengths cheaper.
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I've been trying to work out whether it could be a SFG rather than SHG. The closest result so far is (980+1415=578.99)

But ZRaffle, you look like you have hit it the SHG part correctly. I have found this article experimenting with Periodically-poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN). They achieve SHG of 1154nm with 20% optical efficiency. link for further reading

There is also this abstract which further confirms it.

Here is the link if anyone wants it (link)

So Yb-Fiber. I'd totally forgotten about doped fiber. That stuff is just beautiful...

Wonder if a crystal lattice of Yb rather than fiber, would still work. The upside to fiber rather than a rod, though, is you have a MUCH longer gain medium to produce the wavelength you're looking for. A single pass of a Yb:KGW for isntance, might not get the required 1154nm for maybe more than a couple mW of 577nm.

PS - Raffle, I may have just sourced some Pr:YLF. Currently in contact with the sales director from Northrop Grumman, the only place that really publicly advertises the doping of Pr. Looking to get a 5x3x3mm (LxWxH) or a 5mm dia. by 6mm length rod with 0.7% doping coated high bandwidth AR@400-800nm. My last email from him asked about dopant percent, and stated that since it is so non-stnadard, they may not have any stock. In which case, they'd need to grow a whole new crystal - I imagine that would increase costs dramatically. Either way, please standby.
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So Yb-Fiber. I'd totally forgotten about doped fiber. That stuff is just beautiful...

Wonder if a crystal lattice of Yb rather than fiber, would still work. The upside to fiber rather than a rod, though, is you have a MUCH longer gain medium to produce the wavelength you're looking for. A single pass of a Yb:KGW for isntance, might not get the required 1154nm for maybe more than a couple mW of 577nm.

There are a few options with Yb:Fiber (I mentioned Yb fiber earlier but left it at that, didn't go into different Yb fiber options). You can get rods of Yb:YAG/Yb:LuAG - I don't know if those can be made to lase at 1154nm like Yb:Fiber though (raman shift should still be possible, don't know if the last method listed below would still be) - All I'm seeing listed from a quick search is the usual 1030nm. Pump wavelength is different for Yb too, that may be adding to the cost - I imagine 941nm and 969nm pumps are less abundant than 808nm pumps - although that's just a guess...

Possible solutions:
–Yb fiber laser at 1100nm and subsequent Raman shift to 1154nm
–Yb fiber laser at 1100nm with Raman fiber cavity at 1154nm
–Yb fiber laser at 1154nm with heated fiber

Perhaps we just ask CNI what method they are using? :D

PS - Raffle, I may have just sourced some Pr:YLF. Currently in contact with the sales director from Northrop Grumman, the only place that really publicly advertises the doping of Pr. Looking to get a 5x3x3mm (LxWxH) or a 5mm dia. by 6mm length rod with 0.7% doping coated high bandwidth AR@400-800nm. My last email from him asked about dopant percent, and stated that since it is so non-stnadard, they may not have any stock. In which case, they'd need to grow a whole new crystal - I imagine that would increase costs dramatically. Either way, please standby.

That's going to be expensive... I'd love to see a rough quote for that, especially if they need to grow/cut/coat a new crystal.
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I get 1130nm as lasing from Yb:YAG, however, Yb:KGW lists 1023-1060nm. This isn't terribly extraordinary. It's just like the differences in peak emission of Nd dependent on the lattice it's in; YAG vs YVO4 vs Glass vs Etc Etc...

As for the YLF, oh yeah, it'll be costly. I told them I don't want them to bother with producing a new crystal, I'd only be interested if they had remaining stock, or if they had to produce a crystal for someone else and there was a remainder of material.

Though they may be willing to produce the crystal just to get this small portion, and then keep the remaining material around for future orders from other customers. He already knows I am only interested in one, and it was afterwords that he asked for dopants and clarification on coatings. It's looking good so far, but honestly, a reply from a source is already a whole new step forward in the right direction that I've yet to see up until this point.

They only have 0.2% doping in stock. I specified 0.7% as that is what ALKAAD specified in their Pr:YLF experimentation kit. They have a kit with the crystals, mirrors, diode, driver, rail, mounts, etc. They offered it so that you can teach DPSS in a studious setting and you can observe every element of the process, since it's all in the visible spectrum. They kinda pioneered that aspect of everything, but they don't sell individual parts.

I'm researching now to see if 0.2% doping will work for Pr, but while I do that, if anyone has insight, please PM me. I don't want to hijack this thread, that'd just be rude.
577nm would have the slightest bit of green depending on the individuals colour perception. But compared to the 589, it would look incredibly yellow. But I agree, you can't the warm golden glow of the 589.
It's maybe a dysprosium laser? Dy doped crystals emit 583 when pumped with blue. much like Pr: lases orange. It's another one of those oddball used-to-be-pumped-by-an-uber-argon not practical lasers that's now a bit more functional with the advent of GaN diodes. but the beam quality is still pretty cruddy like the oranges compared to gas or dye so its not really a great laser in the overall. but it gets you by for certain things. but being a specialty item, its not cheap. figure at least 3K+ for an uber small low dopant crystal. not counting coatings and the rest of the laser. These have been around for a long time just not commercially viable. and like the orange I doubt they'll really take off anytime soon. they have their niche though.

edit: OPSL is considered solid state, so it could be, but I doubt it as I think coherent has a patent on it. Could be a doubled Yb laser too, as that would yield 577 iirc I think it has a line that allows that...as mentioned above. But I doubt it'd be in that small laser head. Likely something direct pumped.
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Cool, but the price would probably be comparable to your average automobile. I think I'm content with my 561nm and 589nm for now.

561nm is weird to cameras CCDs alot of them pic it up diff then you see it and you can get yellow by over exposing it if you have a canon T3i.
It's maybe a dysprosium laser? Dy doped crystals emit 583 when pumped with blue. much like Pr: lases orange. It's another one of those oddball used-to-be-pumped-by-an-uber-argon not practical lasers that's now a bit more functional with the advent of GaN diodes. but the beam quality is still pretty cruddy like the oranges compared to gas or dye so its not really a great laser in the overall. but it gets you by for certain things. but being a specialty item, its not cheap. figure at least 3K+ for an uber small low dopant crystal. not counting coatings and the rest of the laser. These have been around for a long time just not commercially viable. and like the orange I doubt they'll really take off anytime soon. they have their niche though.

Doesn't Dy have horrible absorption/emission cross-sections or something? Or am I thinking of Pr? I thought there was something super inhibitive for visible CW Dy operation. :confused:
I'd just love to see a 589 with like 15% efficiency instead of 3%. One day just one day perhaps.

583 would be a perfect yellow imo. No hint of green but still close to that nice amber 589.
Here's the colour of 577nm....


I still enjoy the 589nm beam at 20 watts....

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Just in case anyone was curious, I got a quote a few weeks ago for 100mW of 577nm. $3,000! :eek:

Alex, how many did you order!
Just a reminder, my birthday is in june. :bday:
