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What Laser(if any) can you commit to purchasing?

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Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

I don't mind one way or another, but I'd prefer to have it. That way customs can't take it if the box is checked... Which is a fairly good chance for a large box coming from a well known laser producer I'd think.

Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Okay here are prices for GLP593.5:

.6-1mW: 252 USD
2mW: 350 USD

.6-1mW: 195 USD
2mW: 260 USD
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Does anyone want the delay?
I certainly don't pretty safe bet nobody does, press button want photons instantly maybe 1 second wait max but that's about it ...if showing to friends you can guarantee they would say or think say is there something wrong with the laser ....
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

I certainly don't pretty safe bet nobody does, press button want photons instantly maybe 1 second wait max but that's about it ...if showing to friends you can guarantee they would say or think say is there something wrong with the laser ....

My response:

Friends: "LOL! Something wrong with it bro?"

Me: "Calm your tits, a laser this classy doesn't give it up after a single touch. You're on HER time muchachos!"
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Well just first thought came to mind at that money ( for power) i want to think photons and they appear lol
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Am sure CNI can supply 532 800mw and 532 1000 mw -----they probably did not include them in price list as their PGL data sheets and marketing states 500mw as max. So 800mw and 1000mw are special builds, not on the shelf items.

They gave prices for both before. The question is how many are interested in either over a 500mw @ $280 for one and $208 for 10pc. ---great prices for a quality 500mw with IR filter.
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Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Am sure CNI can supply 532 800mw and 532 1000 mw -----they probably did not include them in price list as their PGL data sheets and marketing states 500mw as max. So 800mw and 1000mw are special bulids, not on the shelf items.

They gave prices for both before. The question is how many are interested in either over a 500mw @ $280 for one and $208 for 10pc. ---great prices for a 500mw. I

I'm in for a 500mw 532nm or even higher if possible:D
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

The one piece price is the stock price!
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Do we have confirmation on ten people+ for the 589nm 80mW?:thanks:
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

anyone up for a poll?
I would like to see how many people for 473, 589, and 532
since if not 10pc than its less likely...
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

I will ask an admin if I can add a poll to this thread so we keep it concise. I am also going to email everyone who has expressed interest after I get some info from other threads(expect a PM no later than 1 hour from now). I am going to transfer the list of interested parties(and what they are interested in) to the OP in this thread. As I receive responses I will either delete their name or put confirmed next to it and what they are confirming.

NOTE: Go with what your number one choice is. Once I get all the confirmations we can analyze the pricing that will result and at that time you can choose to stick with what you chose or go for a less expensive(or more expensive) laser. Please only confirm if it is ACTUALLY FEASIBLE for you to commit to purchase a laser. If you want a 589 80mW, but you cannot spend more than 500 dollars, don't commit. Know your limits. This will make it so we have a good idea of the actual numbers and don't end up with a number of people backing out right at the deadline. Then we have to regroup, go back to the drawing board, and hope we still have enough for discounts.

Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Poll is up above the OP. Vote only once on what your top choice is that you can reasonably expect to be able to commit to.

Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

Voted. I'm waiting for Ava's estimated shipping for 15 lasers and your answer to my shipping/payment PM to decide. (no hurry mate, I'm just letting you know in case you forgot)
Re: CNI GB Round 2: It is Time

I've just added my voice for 589nm, specifically 80mW is my goal. I'm 100% with Atomicrox, need an answer for shipping & paypal payment international option.
