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[CLOSED] Starting gas for a pretty good price

Re: [FEELER] Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Hi can you put me down as interested (for both), it's still a maybe right now, as I have never had a gas laser, but I think it might be fun so we'll see.

Re: [FEELER] Starting gas for a pretty good price.

ULTI--- Any updates on this ??? HMike
Re: [FEELER] Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Sadly I have none as of now. I don't know if we will meet the quota, so if you guys wanna let it go, or pull the trigger early let me know.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Ok I'm re-opening this GB. I'm getting PMs with interest for these little tubes. Who out there still wants one of these tubes? I'm doing an order if 10 tubes. They're 25.00 each. Power supplies available for an additional 60 on request.

Shipping conus is 6$ priority mail.

I want to put this to rest. One way or the other.
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Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

In for tube + PSU, as long as shipping is still what you quoted me by PM some time ago :)
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Im still interested, now that I have enough money for both I'll most likely get the tube + the PSU. Be aware I can't pay you until August 14-15 since im in Europe until then :)

Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Im still interested, now that I have enough money for both I'll most likely get the tube + the PSU. Be aware I can't pay you until August 14-15 since im in Europe until then :)


Ok updating the list... Greenlander, you can just PP the total when the order is placed and I can hold your tube in a safe place until you return to Cali. if you don't want to deal with intern'l shipping.

I'll also add that ill meter each of the tubes to lab accuracy & send the total output with the tube. I'll also see if I can add some clips and v-blocks to each complete order. If you want a plug and play system, I can add a wallwart and pre wire it at your request. (At cost to me)
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Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Matt, thank you for adding me to your group buy. I don't think I am interested in the PS as $60.00 seems high for a power supply to run such a small tube. Can you give me a link to the other(cheaper) PS? I was hoping to snag something for around $20.00 to $25.00. That makes more sense to me than a little $60.00 PS that doesn't even have the HV connector. Surely there must be a power supply for one of these little tubes that is used and not so expensive. I got my Siemens 7.6mW with power supply for under $80.00 shipped, and it works great! Now, if you can get a group buy deal for the PSU also, that could make the difference. Will this little PSU run a 1mW tube that is a rebuilt and has the aluminum cover and the HV connector?
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Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Matt, thank you for adding me to your group buy. I don't think I am interested in the PS as $60.00 seems high for a power supply to run such a small tube. Can you give me a link to the other(cheaper) PS? I was hoping to snag something for around $20.00 to $25.00. That makes more sense to me than a little $60.00 PS that doesn't even have the HV connector. Surely there must be a power supply for one of these little tubes that is used and not so expensive. I got my Siemens 7.6mW with power supply for under $80.00 shipped, and it works great! Now, if you can get a group buy deal for the PSU also, that could make the difference. Will this little PSU run a 1mW tube that is a rebuilt and has the aluminum cover and the HV connector?

That's a pretty typical price for a psu. They are new old stock, which is part of why they are expensive. If you get them from another person then they do tend to be cheaper, like on ebay. Commercial supplies new tend to run anywhere from 60-hundreds....

I just wasn't sure so I just noted it from your PM. :) I'll go ahead and mark it down. I rarely see small enough supplies, let alone cheap, so I just felt I should offer them. The smaller tubes need under 4mA to run, or they get hot and degrade faster.
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Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I'll also add that ill meter each of the tubes to lab accuracy & send the total output with the tube. I'll also see if I can add some clips and v-blocks to each complete order. If you want a plug and play system, I can add a wallwart and pre wire it at your request. (At cost to me)

Sounds good! I'm still undecided if I'll use a wall-wart. Those PSUs should be able to run from 2x18650, right?

It also comes with the ballast resistor, right?
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

The people who buy both will get a suitable 68K ohm ballast with it. The same as I use on mine, as well as small-fit solder clips. Basically you can buy the tube or a 'system' that is ready to go, just needing power. But if you buy just a tube I can probably work something out with those people. The reason for this is that some may want one, some may not. I have some sitting around as spare parts I can probably sell/throw in depending on how this plays out. If we have high demand I might be able to get them thrown in. I need a total on how many tubes before I can negotiate small stuff.
