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[CLOSED] Starting gas for a pretty good price

Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Matt, I would like anything you are willing to add to the tube. A ballast resistor and Alden connector would be awesome. So much so, that I would be willing to pay you a reasonable price to add these.

Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

No problem. I'll see what I can do then :) I have a few of those hanging around. If anyone wants add ons don't hesitate to ask :)
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Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I just lost out to an eBay sniper program for a rebuilt 1mW He-Ne laser tube. If there is any way you can get me a 1mW in the group buy, Matt, that would be awesome.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I'm not sure what the output will be. They are usually .5-1mW bit I occasionally get some that are more powerful. I will assign them by a random method to be fair when they come. Don't be fooled by low output. The beams are thin, so unless you're shooting the beam a long distance you're hardly going to notice. I have a tube that does 370uW... But it's still pretty bright in its own respect because the beam is needle thin
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Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I'm not sure what the output will be. They are usually .5-1mW bit I occasionally get some that are more powerful. I will assign them by a random method to be fair when they come. Don't be fooled by low output. The beams are thin, so unless you're shooting the beam a long distance you're hardly going to notice. I have a tube that does 370uW... But it's still pretty bright in its own respect because the beam is needle thin

Key kaiser,

How much would you estimate the total for a "plug 'n' play" unit. Im sure you know me, I just want something I can easily hook up and boom free photons :D

Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Around 100-110 or so. Depending on final costs.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Seems fair to me, Matt. I will just keep my fingers crossed. ;)
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I'm sure you'll like it. I have yet to have someone dislike my small HeNes :)

They're fun to make into stuff, look cool, and are fairly inexpensive ... Just wish the power nice industrial supplies were cheaper.

Come on in people the more the merrier :)
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Yeah, I'm in this for the long haul. Next month will work fine for me.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Yeah thinking I'm making the deadline end of next month. Should be plenty of time and to allow some people to work up funds if they don't have them.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

If I had the time and money I'd start making HeNe PSUs and selling them. Talk about surging interest, heh.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I had the same idea, but only to build one for my own use. There really isn't that much to one, and I have a lot of HV experience, but people are still asking outrageous prices for old used power supplies. It's ridiculous.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Yup, $10-15 of parts in it, yet it costs >$100 used!

I think our sentiment is probably shared by many other EEs out there though.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Yup, $10-15 of parts in it, yet it costs >$100 used!

I think our sentiment is probably shared by many other EEs out there though.

Depends on the supply. But I think most of the cost comes from branding and licensing. But, I'm sure the rigorous reliability testing they put them through and manufacture go together....They vacuum seal them in to prevent arcing too, which I'm sure isn't cheap. It's not really a complex circuit...but I'm sure all of that adds up. As well as the fact that they're not intended for blokes like us, but for big companies to buy. So the price is set accordingly
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

Sealing them in HV silicone is no big deal, as they probably weren't sealed under a vacuum since it isn't necessary to do this. I think the point is that these are very simple circuits and are not a big problem for an EE to design and build. The cost would be far less and the fact that these people are selling outdated equipment to people who like He-Ne lasers is unconscionable. They are selling outdated equipment at a huge profit, just because they can. IMHO.
Re: [Renewed feeler]Starting gas for a pretty good price.

I just bought those two Spectra- Physics laser heads at 4mW each and the matching power supply. YEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
