OK, I can probably do the extra ten. This is a one time deal for LPF, the seller would only agree to sell 100 at this price, he is throwing in a few more in case any of them have a problem, but won't let me buy more from him at five dollars each as he is getting 10 dollars each for these in quantity of 50. He has close to 4000 remaining in lots of 50, if you want to buy them at that price.
These came out of new but unsealed packaging, that is the only reason we are able to get them at this price. He won't accept returns on this deal due to giving me extras, this can put me in a poor position as a middle man if too many of them have a problem, or someone toasts them and claims them bad, I'm potentially stuck at refunding you, but at least I would have the PPLN crystals out of the returned units which makes it attractive to me anyway.
Full disclosure on the deal is that I am profiting in this GB, as long as there are no problems, I can keep the extras he threw in. If there are problems, please send me the bad units within 30 days and I will replace it as long as you pay postage back and I have them to send. My confidence is high that won't happen as these are new old stock and no one has had problems yet.
I wanted to buy 50 for myself at five dollars each, but so many members wanted them no room for me to do so as I am limited to 100 each, it's OK though, I bought 50 for ten dollars each a couple of weeks ago, so I have those already and probably just being greedy to want so many, in reality.
Payment just sent