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Cheating at laser tag?

Jan 20, 2008
I've got a funny question I've sort of wondered about for around a decade now...

Is there some way of splitting a beam from a laser tag gun, or diverging it like a shotgun blast in order to gain an unfair advantage? Like with a lens or splitter of some sort?

I imagine the lasers they use in those guns would have to be really weak, since you're handing them to kids and telling them to point them at each other, but I also remember the targets being really sensitive, there was one kid who would reflect his beam off sparkles on one of the walls, in order to shoot around a particular corner...

I also contemplated bringing my own laser pointer to use as a second gun, but I was a naive kid and wasn't thinking of the modulation they use to determine who shot you... but would there be a way to put an optical sensor in there which would match the oscillation of the gun's beam and use that to drive a higher powered diode? (maybe not an optics question, but just throwing that out there).

Create something that looks like a silencer, and tell others it's just for decoration. Inside should be a high power laser diode and a high speed modulating driver using a photo diode.
pseudolobster said:
Is there some way of splitting a beam from a laser tag gun, or diverging it like a shotgun blast in order to gain an unfair advantage?

Get a mega matrix diffraction grating ;) Spray the room [smiley=evil.gif]

The laser in a laser tag game is only for targeting the system uses an IR LED like a tv remote coded to the pack your using. Putting a lens on the ir LED will widen the beam and improve your chance of a hit but will drasticaly reduce the range. This is based on tech info from LaserQuest.
Lorgar said:
The laser in a laser tag game is only for targeting the system uses an IR LED like a tv remote coded to the pack your using. Putting a lens on the ir LED will widen the beam and improve your chance of a hit but will drasticaly reduce the range. This is based on tech info from LaserQuest.


makes sense now that I think about it... you never really had to be too precise with those...


  • MoreYouKnow.jpg
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...now how about rigging a high powered IR laser in place of the LED and blinding some kids? :D[smiley=evil.gif]
Used to do this with a concave lens in those acrcade shooting games (you know like timesplitters or virtua cop?) Won every time. ;D
Lorgar said:
The laser in a laser tag game is only for targeting the system uses an IR LED like a tv remote coded to the pack your using. Putting a lens on the ir LED will widen the beam and improve your chance of a hit but will drasticaly reduce the range. This is based on tech info from LaserQuest.
Having accualy built these for a while, i can confirm that the Laser is only for looks, the accual "shooting" comes from a infrared LED, with a focusing lens in front to narrow the beam, using a beam splitter on the infrared would give you an advantage, but, as a laser tag player myself, the better way is to use the rule of 7...... sholder/ sholder /chest, the result will be stun, stun front kill, which gives you more points than a straight kill, ... just a tip hehe
Infrared you say...

See if you can hide a 20W CO2 laser inside like a mock bazooka or something. Now THAT'S cheating 8-)
What you need to do is make an IR LED bank, then attatch a transistor to the old diode, so the signal going to the transistor goes to the bank, then use a lens to diverge it.
Murudai- sorry, but your 20W CO2 idea won't work, the wavelength would be too deep into the IR to be detected by the sensors, plus, the people you are playing with might catch on fire. TV Remote LEDs have a wavelength of 980nm, fortunately you can get some pretty high powered 980nm laser diodes (in the watt range) so you could get good distance and spill for laser tag, but at a few thousand milliwatts your friends would start running into walls ;D
The hardest part is getting the modulation right, + doing it without everyone knowing you are. Where i used to play lasertag, they had IR sensing camera's, so if i brought a IR LED flood in that room, the camera's the people were watching would clearly show it ;D ;D ;D ;D
styropyro said:
plus, the people you are playing with might catch on fire.

Uh, yeah, that's kind of the idea. ::)

You didn't think I was trying to trip off the sensors with a 20W now did you? ;)
Me and a friend got a pack of those Wii mote IR leds that spray out in lots of wavelengths (as the wavelength and pulses of the guns vary)

The idea was to make breastplates and domes to remotely switch on and off to essentially blind the game completely!

It was then we realized how much IR that would require and how much damage that could cause.

we still have a breastplate somewhere :D
