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FrozenGate by Avery

Cheap Multimeter...

That looks good. Especially with the test kit.
It is surely a must have tool for anyone.
Yup, I have one, but I'm going to stop by Sears on the way home to grab one. For the price I haven't seen anything come close, and it is a must have:D
Just gave up looking for my old one and bought a new cheapo one last night >.<

But good find, :thanks: for sharing!
These are a must have for anyone who messes around with charging li-ons and other batteries. Could very well save you from a bang.
nice find i got mine from sears as well (not same model) does anyone know if the harbor freight dmm are any good cause with a coupon they are cheeeaaaappp
Its a good MM for basic functionality. If you check amp draw
with these cheaper models very likely your numbers will be wrong. Toss the leads way to thin, if your testing a laser you need thick leads. This unit i doubt has the necessary amp capacity
laserists will require.

Fluke makes some of the better MMs.
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I used the Fluke 17B for years now and it never keeps me down. The quality of the cheapest Fluke is very good.
Good to know :D

As you guys can see by the OP, this thread is pretty old, for the price, and based on reviews, it seemed like a good deal.
Good to know :D

As you guys can see by the OP, this thread is pretty old, for the price, and based on reviews, it seemed like a good deal.

For general purpose every day use we use the cheap
Chinese <$10.00 DMMs. If they blow it's not a big deal
and we replace them instead of fixing them.

New LCD Digital Voltmeter Ammeter Ohm Multimeter DT830B not include battery | eBay

When we need more accuracy then we will use the better
DMMs like our Fluke.


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Generally I just want an autoranging meter for general use. Most meters are going to be accurate anyway, since it's not that hard to make them decent. The feature I'm looking for in my next meter is inductance measuring.
