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Can't find certain model of laser

Aug 22, 2017
Alright so basically I was watching a gaming/vlog YouTuber named GameGhandi and at a certain point in his vlog he was using a powerful laser.

At 4:45 minutes in the video the laser part starts. I have seen similar lasers to that but none exactly like that. I need to find that laser that has the normal mode, "scanning" mode, lightsaber mode, and the spread out dots mode. I don't know much about lasers but it seems like everyone in the comments wants one. It does not matter if its not FDA approved i dont know if i will buy one. Can someone give me a link to it or what the mW probably is. If not just the closest I can get. Thanks
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Ha, powerful?

Can't be much more powerful than your typical 303 if I had to guess. Just bout impossible to say with any sort of accuracy from just a video though. Quality looks higher than a 301/3. Hard to tell, but it looks sort of similar to the hosts used for the Rigel HV Pros from LG. Don't think it is one of those though. Probably just some cheap pointer with a few grating options or something.

Video link for anyone also having issues: https://youtu.be/4ZeM8yOppJM?t=4m45s
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There are many lasers that would throw a beam like that maybe even better. If your looking for a green beam, stick to the 520nm to 532nm at better than 500mw's. But know that a Laser that powerful can blind someone a football field away. Please read up on Laser safety before you purchase one. They are no joke, eyes don't grow back. Please be safe.



Here's a couple of links.
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There are many lasers that would throw a beam like that maybe even better. If your looking for a green beam, stick to the 520nm to 532nm at better than 500mw's. But know that a Laser that powerful can blind someone a football field away. Please read up on Laser safety before you purchase one. They are no joke, eyes don't grow back. Please be safe.

JETLASERS.ORG, find a selection of high power handheld lasers, dpss lasers, diode lasers and laser dazzlers - JETLASERS.ORG


Here's a couple of links.

Thank you but im not really looking to spend that much on a laser. I was hoping to get one for less than $50 if possible. I just want to mess around with it with friends (safely)
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Thank you but im not really looking to spend that much on a laser. I was hoping to get one for less than $50 if possible. I just want to mess around with it with friends (safely)

tannert, I do hope you have told your friends if they are to be around this laser, or use it, that they treat it like a loaded weapon. It may seem extreme, but our hobby is already under immense regulations and we don't need to see an accident that is easily avoidable happen.

As for good lasers, I can recommend the following to you. This one is 515nm, so less common then the typical 532nm lasers and you don't need to worry about IR light. I've bought from this seller and these tend to average just about ~10mW so it'll put out a dim, but visible beam at night! :yh:

Non-Focusable 515nm Grass Green Laser Pointer Pen for PPT Presentation 515P-10 | eBay

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Kids these days are so easily entertained. That and they all want to be famous for being famous. It was sophomoric and nonsensical.

Did you see the divergence specs for the 405nm and the 650nm on Wicked Lasers? Less than 0.5 mrad. In their dreams.
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Thank you but im not really looking to spend that much on a laser. I was hoping to get one for less than $50 if possible. I just want to mess around with it with friends (safely)

Depends upon how you define "mess around"
You need to be aware lasers are not children's toys--very dangerous to eyesight if use improperly as mentioned above by Hap.
If you are under 18, and would guess you are a minor/child, you should talk with your parents about any laser purchase or use first.
Whatever you do and any problems/trouble damage you cause as a result is their responsibility and burden .

You could opt for one of these @ $15 532nm green 80mW -- will have a visible beam at night, and go from there.
Is the basic mass produced low end minimum cost laser. Normal safety procedures and laser goggles use apply

Check ebay--100s of lasers offered there.
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You can get a 303 pointer much cheaper than that. In fact for that price you can have three. 303 532nm laser pointer with star cap $4.97 with free shipping.

G303 Green Pointer Pen Adjustable Focus 532nm Lazer Visible Beam Burn 303 Laser | eBay

If you want one with a battery and charger, here's one for $8.97 and also comes with a case.

SD303 532nm Green Laser Pointer Pen Visible Beam Light Lazer+Battery UP | eBay

thx paul. for the $8.97 one, is it going to be the same brightness/power as the wickedlaser nano? Also I like the nano (besides the price) because of the different lenses like the line/scan and grid lenses. would i be able to get that for the $8 laser? if so how? thanks

edit: do you think the laser in the video was <5mW? sorry for asking a lot of questions i am big laser noob :)
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You can get a 303 pointer much cheaper than that. In fact for that price you can have three. 303 532nm laser pointer with star cap $4.97 with free shipping.

G303 Green Pointer Pen Adjustable Focus 532nm Lazer Visible Beam Burn 303 Laser | eBay

If you want one with a battery and charger, here's one for $8.97 and also comes with a case.

SD303 532nm Green Laser Pointer Pen Visible Beam Light Lazer+Battery UP | eBay

Yes but output tested by whom, made buy whom---the extra few dollars is for a reliable seller who knows lasers and indicates what he is selling.

Would guess one from Sanwu or Tommy at laserpointerstore is a better bet that you get a decent one than from the thousands of anonymous Chinese sellers who know nothing at all about lasers and would be selling ping pong balls if they were not selling lasers

Maybe not--who knows -I certainly would not expect much or anything of even toy value in the way of a laser for the price of a good cup of coffee.

tannert--why don't you contact the children who made that video and ask them what it is and where to get it --if you have to have that one for some odd reason unknown?
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It really the luck of the draw. I have gotten these at ~$8.00 that were over 80 mW and some that were 50 mW. The diffraction grating are all the same for all of them. If you want a particular one, you will have to search for it. The ones I linked to have diffraction gratings included. The only difference between these and the $15.00 ones are maybe a tested power output, but without a laser power meter you'll never know.
