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Buy/Sell/Trade Board -- Mostly Laser Related or Not?

Should posts in the Buy/Sell/Trade board be limited to only mostly laser related merc

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If we had a category for each wavelength, then there would probably be an artificially high interest for less discussed wavelengths such as true yellow because it has its own category.

Excuse me but... what's wrong with that?

So maybe . . . .

Laser Pro Shop
Buy/Sell/Trade -- Laser Related
Buy/Sell/Trade -- Non-Laser Related
Deals and Discounts
Group Buys
Trades Feedback and Dispute Resolutions

This would separate the "sales" related boards, add the desired non-laser B/S/T board, and give c0ld a slot for another banner ;)

Yeah... that sounds good...
And adding "Want to Buy" to the list as suggested
above wouldn't hurt...

As to Niko's idea of classing Lasers by Wavelength
frequencies in the Laser Sections...
I think the list may be a bit smaller using rough colors
instead like Violet... Blue... Yellow....Green... Orange...
Red... IR...
It would make it simpler for New Members to find the
color of Laser info they are looking for... IMO

Yeah... that sounds good...
And adding "Want to Buy" to the list as suggested
above wouldn't hurt...

As to Niko's idea of classing Lasers by Wavelength
frequencies in the Laser Sections...
I think the list may be a bit smaller using rough colors
instead like Violet... Blue... Yellow....Green... Orange...
Red... IR...
It would make it simpler for New Members to find the
color of Laser info they are looking for... IMO


Could be, I just believe people should get used to using wavelength numbers.
Excuse me but... what's wrong with that?

There's not really anything wrong with that. It might even work the opposite way. I've noticed that sometimes people will post things in the wrong section so that it will get more traffic. It wouldn't make a huge difference either way.
BST section should be only laser stuff

But thumbs up to the other BST section too.

vote for the BST_Others.:can:

people sold others so they can buy lasers.:p
