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FrozenGate by Avery

Buy Laser

Jan 6, 2015
I have been wanting to buy a 100 mw 532nm (green) laser pointer for a while now.

You guys recommended SCI FI Lasers, but they have been out of stock for 6 months now.

Where is another good place I could buy one from?

Just another cheap Chinese 303...they're everywhere. You can most likely take a zero off the end of that power rating. For that price it's WAY WAY <500mW.
Just another cheap Chinese 303...they're everywhere. You can most likely take a zero off the end of that power rating. For that price it's WAY WAY <500mW.

Its regular $177, its a sale 65% off. Still think it will be less than 80 mw?
Get one from laserbtb, don't faff around with some chinese junk from ebay or the likes.
The cheapest one is $140, thats a bit much.

No it isn't, save your money and buy a laser of good quality, you won't regret it. I would recommend always spending a minimum of $140 unless your looking for a cheap low power pointer. Of the 5 lasers that I built myself the cheapest one was $140 just for the parts, but I know exactly what's in them and that they are high quality lasers. The one cheap 532nm green that I ever bought broke after only 10 days.

Good lasers arent cheap but if u are new into this its best to buy something cheap and see if u will like it, but spending 100$ is nothing strange if u want a quality laser.
Just thought id add my two cents. I recently received my hl 532 300mw laser from laserbtb, and it is VERY nice. Dont cheap out on a laser like i did with my first. The power of this laser is incredible.

Also the HL series are much smaller than they look in pictures and they fit VERY nice in your hand/pocket
