Hey Niko....
You are not being disproved...
The question asked was whether we approve of bullfighting and we
aired our views...
Just because you think Bullfighting should banned... does not make
your views wrong.....
I was referring to the fact of me being wrong about some animals feeling pain.
The old lines between us and them are becoming more blurred all the time. Pain is simply a "sensation" that has become so intense that it triggers our avoidance. How many animals will react to avoid a sensation?
Trees react to the attack of wood boring insects by producing a chemical which repels them. Simple chemical reactions, right? Those same trees also send out a different chemical to "tell" the other trees that it is being attacked. The other trees then begin to produce their own chemical to repel the invaders even though they have not been personally attacked.
Microbes communicate with microbes that they meet along the way. They compare what defenses to our antibiotics they each have, and then exchange the ones they do not have in common so that BOTH now have the needed "information" to survive.
Pelagic fishes (tuna, etc) react to temperature changes as little as 1 degree. They become uncomfortable with a 1 degree temperature shift. They work to avoid that discomfort. At what level will the temperature difference become "pain"?
Birds will act injured to attract the attention of a predator away from their young. A mother deer will confront a lion to protect its young.
How are they different from us?
Does that mean that I think that we should all become absolute vegans? No. We fought our way to the top of the hierarchy. We should enjoy the benefits of holding that position.
You should invite me to the bullfight. I have no problem with bullfighting. I then get the opportunity to accept or reject your invitation. NOW -- if after I refuse, you try to "force" me to go "for my own good" I will move you lower on my personal hierarchy If I try to tell you that bullfighting is bad, then I have forced myself above you on the hierarchy. I would expect you to react accordingly.
I eat what I want. I kill what I want. That doesn't mean I kill everything. I pretty much conform to my society's view on the hierarchy of life. It is necessary to live in said society. For example. dogs are well below my line of "kill if I want to." However, if I leave my dog in my car on a hot day, I would expect to have my window broken out and to be arrested for leaving it there. NOT because the dog's life is so valuable, but because it is against the law to leave a pet in a car here.
I do NOT want you to go to bullfights. I also do not want you to tell Hallucynogenyc he should not. However, I DO want you both to tell each other what you think and to UNDERSTAND why you think it.
[/dad mode]
Got it. I still do not approve of bullfighting.
I'm not complaining about animals killing. I eat them myself. I'm complaining about making a show about torturing and killing. The bull was gonna die anyway? The bull would have never been born if that events didn't exist. And anyway, I could feel the bull suffering from where I was, just look at the second video. The bull is crying for the goodness sake.
Honestly, call me crazy as Niko, maybe we are really crazy, but If I had to choose between killing the bullfighter or the bull, I wouldn't doubt for a second. Moreover, If I had to kill many people inside there I ensure you the bull would be the last surviver.
Both the bullfighters and the people who go at these shows repel me. The worst is that tourists like jaycey are the cause why this is still going on.
Sacrifice might suit the definition maybe. how can you consider it a fight, 10 people with daggers, swords, spears and other torturing stuff against a poor bull.
one guy with a sword puts up no fight against a whole army of men armed with tanks and shotguns (unless of course the man is Chuck Norris)
The bull is inside a small "box" with no windows so he stays in the most complete darkness. After this if they find out that the bull is relaxed they inject them substances to excite them. When the show is gonna start some people hit him with wands to ensure the bull starts running as soon as he is liberated. The bull doesn't want to fight at first. Just look how does he always run around the arena. he is looking for the exit (that's why they are all circular, it has been proven that on a square arena the bull goes to the corner and stays there for some time).
^ This. I wasn't just stating my opinion, I do know some things about bullfighting and thus couldn't leave this subject neutral.
Thanks man, exactly my thoughts.