You take 3 resistors and connect them end to end (like train box cars)...
You do that 3 times to get 3 the same as the first one (that will give you 30 Ohms ea)
Now you take one end of all 3 "trains" and connect them together...
Then take the oter end of all 3 "trains" and connect them together...
That will give you 9 resistors connected in Series/Parallel (33.3 Ohms
but higher wattage)
Connect like this...
All (A) are connected together
All (B) are connected together
Between (A) and (B) you will get aprox 33.3 Ohms
I'm sorry i have to correct you (and i think you probably just typed it wrong)
The 3 resistors of 1 ohm in serie, give you 3 ohm each one, and if you connect these series in parallel, you get again 1 ohm ..... but now the assembly can hold 2,25W max

..... you can also connect the "middle" points of each serie all together, the thing don't change, like this



All (A) are connected together
All (B) are connected together
All (x) are connected together

are connected together
measuring from A and B, still 1 ohm (not 33,3) ..... anyway, the only advantage of solder also these points in common, is just a little bit more mechanical stability if you build it "flying" ..... using a proto board, no advantages
@tommii89: like this:
Is not important if you connect the resistor (or group of resistors), on the positive or on the negative output of the module, the important part is that you do not revert the diodes, otherwise the load don't work.
All the diodes (4 for simulate red diodes, 6 or 7 for simulate BR diodes) must be in the same "direction", anode-cathode connection, with the anode that must go at the positive output, and the cathode at the negative one.