Well guys, case arrived today - these are sweet cases, everything supplied down to the last nut and bolt, handles, reinforcing bars and even rubber feet. I put it together (dry run) to remove any shavings that may be still in the screw holes, swore and cursed a bit, and now it sits above me on the shelf awaiting lasers and the galvos.
Now am not sure if I want to use the front panel with handles, or the flush front panel. Both will suit the project fine, the handled one giving a more "industrial look" and the flush one giving a nice clean lines look.
Think I'll go with flush, it also has the reinforcement bars. Considering the weight in this thing, I'll probably need lots of it (reinforcement).
Thanking TTerbo and Things for the idea for the case.
oh, and TTerbo, putting the handles on is easy if you have ball end drivers
edit: having measured up the case, a 1x1 foot piece of 8mm think T6061 aluminium plate has been placed in my cart with "performance metals" who are a local dealer. I will buy it on thursday (payday - yay!). Hopefully soon my galvos will show up, and construction can commence. Now I am NOT looking forward to using this nibbler!