May 3, 2009 #17 john_lawson 0 Joined Feb 22, 2008 Messages 3,187 Points 48 yikes thats kinda different isn't it :-? i'll have to learn how to use it but the color is badd a$$ ;D ;D
yikes thats kinda different isn't it :-? i'll have to learn how to use it but the color is badd a$$ ;D ;D
May 3, 2009 #18 c0ldshadow LPF Founder / Admin Staff member LPF Site Supporter Joined Mar 17, 2006 Messages 2,866 Points 113 i will pay for whatever skin the most ppl vote on or whatever please feel free to make a poll or something
i will pay for whatever skin the most ppl vote on or whatever please feel free to make a poll or something