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FrozenGate by Avery

broke..anyone have extra diodes?

Oh sorry, I feel bad now... That's a really nice first build though.

Dont feel bad. I can give it and take it.

thanks... i think...
oh and sorry about that argument...
@Tech_Junkie we all good?

It's always all good..so no worries.

I have a problem with empathy sometimes. When I was 14 I rode a BSA chopper, worked part time as a mechanic, had an 18 year old girlfriend, and partied in biker bars. By the time I was 16 I was shot at, stabbed, been in countless bare knuckle brawls, and did 90% of the drugs out there. I'm not proud of this, It was the cards I was dealt, and in the end I prevailed. So it makes it hard for me to feel sorry for others with "minor" issues. If you want something bad enough everyone has the power to get it. If you want a money, get a job. If its not enough, get another job, ect. Its sounds kind of harsh when you are 14, but when you become an adult its a fact of life. There are no choices then. You do what you have to do. [/Rant]
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Dont feel bad. I can give it and take it.

It's always all good..so no worries.

I have a problem with empathy sometimes. When I was 14 I rode a BSA chopper, worked part time as a mechanic, had an 18 year old girlfriend, and partied in biker bars. By the time I was 16 I was shot at, stabbed, been in countless bare knuckle brawls, and did 90% of the drugs out there. I'm not proud of this, It was the cards I was dealt, and in the end I prevailed. So it makes it hard for me to feel sorry for others with "minor" issues. If you want something bad enough everyone has the power to get it. If you want a money, get a job. If its not enough, get another job, ect. Its sounds kind of harsh when you are 14, but when you become an adult its a fact of life. There are no choices then. You do what you have to do. [/Rant]

nice... i like engines myself ive got a 70' hemi 'cuda im workin on... respect the muscle BTW: got the car for free from a friend at the junk yard... SCORE
edit: 426 cu in (7 L) V8
I offered to help this jerk out via PM. Here's my PM to him & his answer.

lazorman said:
phoenix77 said:
OK lazorman, I know what it is to need parts, & be broke. I'm disabled & have to raise a family & pay bills on a REALLY SMALL INCOME. I have some IR Diodes & a 16X SENKAT RED DIODE, already in an AIXIZ MODULE, that I'd be willing to trade to you for something laser related. PM me with anything you have to offer & maybe we can make a deal. If not, I'm sure I can just let you HAVE some of my spare IR Diodes, but it will cost you a REP Pt. LOL. Just PM me & let me know OK ?.....................rob

This is what I get for offering to help. A bite on the hand and a "nah" I just can't believe some people. Just to satisfy my curiosity, to anyone who reads this, was I out of line, or did I do or offer something so terrible, to warrant being treated this way ? I'm interested in what other Forum members think of my offer & this jerks reply. So PLEASE, post what YOU think about this, OK ? Thanks, guys. Any & all replies are appreciated, & WILL be answered if you wish one.............................rob
Yeah there was nothing out of line with that message man, some people need to learn how to respectfully decline an offer.
To; k1kbOt & Gata, Thanks guys, I appreciate your support, it means a lot to me......rob
i thougt you would take away my rep... or "dissaprove" me i am sorry for this
Hey Rob... the only thing I saw was a reply from a snotty little kid that needs a father
to smack him around a little to teach him the meaning of RESPECT............

You offered him what he was looking for but was to cheap or lazy or greedy to take
up the offer... Of course he was not obliged to take your offer but a simple...
"Thanks for you offer but I will have to decline" rather than a snotty... disrespectful
"nah" would have been much more acceptable.

For a member that posts almost 25 post per day... he must me writing a lot more
than he is reading... and you can't learn anything if you mouth is going all the time...

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Thanks for your support, Jerry I 'preciate it. I also agree whole-heartedly & you put it so, so, eloquently !!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks................rob
@ lazorman, if you didn't talk &/or act like you do, you wouldn't have to worry about things like that now would you, HMMM ???? Besides, ADULT, RESPECTFUL MEMBERS of this HALLOWED FORUM, do NOT act or respond in such petty ways. We have much more sophisticated ways of taking care of childish, disrespectful, members (such as yourself), & only time will reveal these ways to the wayward, again, (such as yourself) !! Good Luck, I've got a feeling you'll need every drop of it you can lay your mitts on, 'cause you're not off to a very good start already.......................rob
I've mailed him some diodes this morning. 5x from LPC sled, and 1x from PHR.
So everybody can just drop it.

I'm beginning to see why so many many have left this forum lately. It seems like every thread i go into to read all i see are older members bashing newer members and vise versa.

This forum desperately needs moderators to keep this under control. the forum is really turning to crap.
I've mailed him some diodes this morning. 5x from LPC sled, and 1x from PHR.
So everybody can just drop it.

I'm beginning to see why so many many have left this forum lately. It seems like every thread i go into to read all i see are older members bashing newer members and vise versa.

This forum desperately needs moderators to keep this under control. the forum is really turning to crap.

That was very generous of you Mohrengerg...:cool:

That's only due to new members showing no respect for other members
or pride for themselves....

It just does not inspire me to help out a new member that brags about
all the new lasers he just bought....
then opens a thread stating he is poor and begging with gime.. gime...
gime... a free laser diode...

Hell I even showed him how he could get one or more for free.... but that
was too much work... he would need to get off his butt to do what I

He was waiting for a good samaritain like you to give him something so he
doesn't need to do any leg work...
The only thing he has learned is how to beg...

I offered to help this jerk out via PM. Here's my PM to him & his answer.

This is what I get for offering to help. A bite on the hand and a "nah" I just can't believe some people. Just to satisfy my curiosity, to anyone who reads this, was I out of line, or did I do or offer something so terrible, to warrant being treated this way ? I'm interested in what other Forum members think of my offer & this jerks reply. So PLEASE, post what YOU think about this, OK ? Thanks, guys. Any & all replies are appreciated, & WILL be answered if you wish one.............................rob

Rob, I would have gratefully accepted if it were me, that was ten kinds of f-ed up. You were in line completely, I think he just wanted a PHR really.:mad:
Thanks for backing me as the others have. It's nice to know I'm not the only person that saw nothing wrong with what I did, & I thank you for your support also..........rob
