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Bought 1650Mw 445nm Laser From yobresal

Jun 16, 2012
Cool dude.. Very good with communication and patience. For my 1st purchase from here. Im always nervous when making a purchase on a forums for the first time hes a stand up guy and put all my worries to sleep.. Thanks For The laser and patience thanks very much..

You got the best deal I have offered in a long time. Add a G2 lens and you will have a 2W+ laser
yah i will add the lens in the near future.. where do you recommend i order the lend when i am ready..?
yah i will add the lens in the near future.. where do you recommend i order the lend when i am ready..?

Well the only one i know tat sells complete 405G series lenses is DTR, great guy! But maybe Yob can also help you with this sinds you have a good buying experience from him ;)

Yeah I have some so i could send you one with the battery if you want to buy both those things.
hey bro .. I've had the laser i got you in storage for a while it isn't working i don't wanna mess with it any chance if i mailed it to you . you could take a look and let me know whats going on with it its been sitting for a few years.
AiXiz has good G2 lenses also at a great price he is a veteran owned company his name is chuck maricle nice guy. Check out his website.
Oh do you have any pics of the non working laser if so lets see if it is repairable.

i don't have any currently i haven't ever pulled it apart it was built and sold to me by yobresal i added the different lense years ago. i just found the laser in my storage unit after i moved recently it was in storage for a couple of years so I'm not sure whats up with it lol. actually i have to get some batteries and test it actually again before i consider it dead as i lost the batteries and charger for it.. i may just end up buying something new since i don't know too much about it.. hoping he chimes in lol.

natural causes?
best fix often comes from the builder--

IF Luke wants..
don't try to open w/o at least advice from Luke-
twisting/breaking the wires happens a lot when self-helping..
fyi/btw actual rep 'points' do not happen until your score/post grows some.. but the green bar and nice comments can mean more..

ps HOPE you did not forget which way for batt... & when that happens nothing will happen that one can hear or see- just no lase..

GL hak
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well dang dood.. leave us hanging here-- did charging the batt(s) do the trick?--but seriously if in doubt do NOT try by trail and error 'which way' they go.. I make a + or - mark somewhere an EXTRA FINE black sharpie works great-- or print and attach a lable.. way too many lasers here are ruined that way.. your rep is at 10 points-let me do a little 'touch-up" bazinga!
