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Jul 10, 2015
Could Accutronitis and crazlaser be the same person?

That last statement was very reminiscent of VG's attitude. Plus restarting something from 5 days ago.


Feb 22, 2008
OMG No because I am in my 50's ! and this is my website and thus my member name.....

Home | The Accutron Resource Forum

A forum that only has posts from you that are no older than a month doesn't really add any credibility... Not to mention you didn't even both to register your own domain... Your account here is probably older than that forum.

Not calling you a troll, but that's not really proof of anything. :undecided:
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Dec 30, 2016
It wasn't meant to prove anything other than why I chose Accutronitis as my member name, Oh and the website is nothing but Accutron information, Alaskan seem to have some hang up about the member name I chose to use as if it was some kind of indicator of something......
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Dec 30, 2016
Get used to the Vegas Virus aka Accutronitis. He's disliked everywhere he shows up, usually gets banned from those forums and hasn't figured out that he's the problem yet.
bobbee the web cancer who has been banned here for lanching a muti thread attack is back !

Mr Robert Butler the internet stalker, I see you are still using your stolen member name, He hasn't figured out that nobody wants to hear his off topic rantings.......

Please take note that he is not here to ever talk about lasers !
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Dec 30, 2016
Well there is only one person in the room with you at the moment so that's what you must be smelling, You'll see him if you look in the mirror, You can't miss him Mr Your On Ignore......
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Dec 30, 2016
Yes, The Virus has always had an 'aroma' about him.... and its not a good one. He gets these everywhere he goes :banned: He's even created his own watch forum and has a total of about 5 members, of which 3 are the same person. He'll create multiple identities (including the one I'm using along with others such as 'Dr Evil', 'pjmaugeri' etc) just so he can answer his own posts in an attempt to make himself look intelligent. He's been ostracized everywhere else he's been. Just google search his name... :pop:
Well that's all a load of non-sense considering I'M the only person that can make the threads And NO ONE is allowed to post there other than myself. and when I do it is only to add new info to the thread, Really it's NOT A FORUM but a resource of the best information for Accutron 214 Watches ! But see that is what you do everywhere you go, You immediately start spewing a none stop string of lies until you are soon or latter banded because ALL OF YOUR POSTS WILL BE OFF TOPIC !

This is the same guy that launched a multi-threaded personal attack storm here less than 2 weeks ago but he was immediately banned then and all of his posts were removed, And that is what should happen again.....

And yes you are using a stolen identity as well as these other identities your well known to use bobbee aka kiddo kipps akaJANEY aka SkankHunt42 aka benderbending aka tedward aka Bobbee53 aka coryt aka TruthSeeker aka thumbs aka watch junkie aka hawk53 aka kiddo kipps aka harvey aka Fraud seeker aka FakeFinder aka (many more) and I am using the only identity I ever use Accutronitis, Add to that you haven't even said the word "laser" once since you've been here so it very clear who the troll here is bobbee, That would be YOU, The guy who's only 2 posts have both been off topic personal attacks !

The only reason he's here is to try and push his slanderous agenda against me as he has been doing for the last 2 years he's been online stalking me !

I've been banned along with you in a few places for arguing against your BS and lies you try to spread everywhere you can !

This guy is one sick person and he's only here for one reason, To stir the pot with his brand of off topic trolling !
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Jan 29, 2014
Well there is only one person in the room with you at the moment so that's what you must be smelling, You'll see him if you look in the mirror, You can't miss him Mr Your On Ignore......

I took you off ignore so I could rep you, I doubt you are even the real Accutronitis, probably VG using someone else's Id from another forum for some strangeness, as he has done here before. I should probably give you a benefit of a doubt, maybe you are just another individual much like him.
Dec 30, 2016
I took you off ignore so I could rep you, I doubt you are even the real Accutronitis, probably VG using someone else's Id from another forum for some strangeness, as he has done here before. I should probably give you a benefit of a doubt, maybe you are just another individual much like him.
Like I could give a fiying #$@% about your "rep" BUT if you had me on ignore why would you ever think you needed to rep me, something is not adding up with that ?????? BUT forget about that, if I'm not the real Accutronitis what is my internet stalker doing here attacking me as he always does ???

"I should probably give you a benefit of a doubt" I can tell you I'm only here for the laser info and to share anything I think some people might find interesting AND that is all I've done since I got here !!!
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Jan 29, 2014
I read the first four words... that's all I needed to see. Well, if you aren't here to cause mayhem, you sure get your hackles up easy. :p
Dec 30, 2016
Well you go 2 years with a nut case troll like bobbee following you around and claiming your a troll among other non-stop BS and we'll see how fast you "get your hackles up" when someone you've NEVER met before calls you a troll ?

Your wasting your time here bobbee ! There maybe few people that don't not like me here BUT they hate trolls like you much, much more !
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Apr 28, 2015
Dec 30, 2016
"There maybe few people that don't not like me" Did you major in basic English at school? A 50 yr old still living at home with his mommy should be a little suspect.

I suspect they'll figure you out here pretty soon. Frauds generally cant mask their true behaviour for long and they hate being challenged on any subject.

Alaskan, it definitely is the 'real' Accutronitis. Just Google search his name people.... and see what you have here as a member.
And true to form bobbee the troll try's once again to stir the pot of distrust and suspicion with one of his off topic posts !

Bobbee that ain't going to fly here but that hasn't stopped you in the past and once again it's more than likely going to be a ban that finally stops you !

Remember bobbee it is also true that trolls can't hide behind their BS for long when there are smart people around so your days are already numbered......!

Explain this to me.

Posted in November


btw youtube links don't work.
His links never do and they are only there to give the appearance of some kind of credibility which of course he has none of......

That's bobbee's youtube harassment channel that he set up with the sole propose of trying to harass me as evidenced by the only 2 videos there are his smear videos about me AND once again true to form he used one of his many aliases being the spineless troll that he is.....
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