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Blue Laser Head aches?


Dec 25, 2014
I have bought a pair of goggles but I think they are too cheap. When I use my blue laser to take pictures indoors while wearing them I end up with a headache just from the reflection.

I am going to buy another $50 pair instead of the $5 pair and see if it improves. I just hope it is not caused by latent invisible injury of any kinds. Maybe it is psychological/psychosomatic.

Anyways, just a warning.
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you could just be really sensitive to that wave length, and yes buy a better pair
fluorescence from blue lasers can be quite strong even through goggles. I have two pairs of goggles that block blue (445nm) laser light, an ARG pair with OD7 protection and an Eagle Pair... pair, with OD 4 protection. The eagle pair is very dark because they also block near IR, and have only a VLT of something like 20%, so it's like looking through very dark sunglasses. The ARGs have a VLT 48%, very good so it's dead easy to see through them, but the fluorescence from my 445 looks much brighter in the ARG goggles than the eagle pair, owing to the higher VLT. It's so bright that it can still be quite dazzling sometimes, but it's purely fluorescence and not blue 445nm light. If the light you are seeing through the glasses is still blue, then they are not protecting your eyes. If you are seeing light the same colour as the goggles (should be orange or thereabouts) it's just fluorescence.
Also blue light keeps you awake even if you're really tired, makes your body think it's daytime
