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Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this already?)

May 7, 2008
So ive stumbled across what appear to be 405nm wavelength shielding goggles. They are a bit pricey but i imagine they're going to do a better job than some pair of sunglasses you can snag at walmart.

http://www.noirlaser.com/filters/diw.html (not sure if this link will work, you have to be at a certain number of posts right?)

I really dont know much about specs for goggles... so i'll hand it off to you experts.


Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

Any sunglasses that have UV-A protection should block bluray just fine... UV-A is 400-315nm.

that's my understanding anyways..

besides, this will only really be important once 20x bluray burners become available and cheap... I've caught lots of retroreflections off shiny things from my ~80mW bluray with no protection, and I have yet to experience any vision problems... (mind you I should probably be wearing sunglasses or something, by the numbers, a direct hit to the eye could probably do some damage)
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

i see i see, i suppose i should get me a pair of sunglasses. However i was under the impression that your vision could be damaged without your knowledge of it. Doesnt the brain just kind of fill in the areas of the damaged image with color much like a DVD-upconverter does? And then at some point down the road if damage continues to be done you will become aware of it?
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

TheGr8Revealing said:
i see i see, i suppose i should get me a pair of sunglasses. However i was under the impression that your vision could be damaged without your knowledge of it. Doesnt the brain just kind of fill in the areas of the damaged image with color much like a DVD-upconverter does? And then at some point down the road if damage continues to be done you will become aware of it?

This is exactly what can happen. The brain "fills in" the missing parts. Unless the damage is in the optic nerve, it is very difficult to know how much damage has been done until it becomes so large or the percentage of damaged tissue is high enough so that it defeats the brain's ability to fill in the blank spots.

Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

BluBlockers.com has really cheap glasses that are actually very good for blocking 405 light. They're about $15 a pair on the website and my local Walgreens stores have them 2 for $15. i got to compare them with some OD5 goggles today and the blublockers stood up very well. I keep forgetting to test them, but my guess is that they are about OD2.
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

Now take them and give them a direct shot to the lens. Bet they don't stand up so well at the point where you need the protection the most. That's why FDA/CE certified eye wear is so important. They will withstand 10 seconds of direct exposure before the dyes bleach.

Here you go for 405nm protection and 457nm, 473nm, 532nm protection all in one, and cheaper than the DIWs



and for pricing on DIW from us if you need blue ray and red protection:

Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

I'm going to be making my first lasers soon (a blu-ray and a red) and I was hoping to find some eye protection that would work for both. Would that DIW br/red pair be strong enough for a red diode from a 22x dvd burner?
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

FrothyChimp said:
Yes, and then some.
Thanks, just wanted to make sure. My eyesight is bad enough as it is, don't need lasers making it worse.
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

Why would 405nm light be blocked with max 400nm protection? And it can't be very strong protection either.
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

360freak, it's not like protection drops of instantly over it's covered range. Have you seen the OD graphs for glasses? It's very wavy. It'll drop off after 400nm but not right to 0.

With blu-ray goggles. I've got my power meter, my 60mW blu-ray and the goggles I have and I've found that any proper goggles will be sufficient to cut 405nm down to safe levels.

Unless you are playing around with serious blu-ray power or you are extra safety conscious, red or green goggles will do just fine.
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

TheGr8Revealing said:
So ive stumbled across what appear to be 405nm wavelength shielding goggles. They are a bit pricey but i imagine they're going to do a better job than some pair of sunglasses you can snag at walmart.

http://www.noirlaser.com/filters/diw.html  (not sure if this link will work, you have to be at a certain number of posts right?)

I really dont know much about specs for goggles... so i'll hand it off to you experts.

Actually they're really not pricey at all, they cost less than an eye examine after you damage your eyes with a cheap Chinese pair; but hey you do have 2 eyes though. ::)
Re: Blu-ray goggles found (someone find this alrea

FrothyChimp said:
Now take them and give them a direct shot to the lens. Bet they don't stand up so well at the point where you need the protection the most. That's why FDA/CE certified eye wear is so important. They will withstand 10 seconds of direct exposure before the dyes bleach.

Here you go for 405nm protection and 457nm, 473nm, 532nm protection all in one, and cheaper than the DIWs



and for pricing on DIW from us if you need blue ray and red protection:


Excellent post and info! I couldn't agree more, FDA/CE certified eye wear is PARAMOUNT, there IS a reason those cheap Chinese ones are NOT certified and have such a low price, regardless of who puts "their" name/brand on them or the reseller pushing them.  I guess since you have two eyes you could always gamble and then use the $25.00 or so "saved" for an eye patch. :P
