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FrozenGate by Avery

Blahahaha lol

:) That was funny. You could buy a cheap greenie off of any DX-like site and it would probably be more to spec than that.
That vid is the ultimate proof that Wicked Losers are fail. I am somewhat happy that they made this video...

The laser is about as powerful as my infiniti 95... you never know when it will really do something. Mine thakes about 10 secs to put out a red baloon, so I guess 95mW of CNI beats "300mW" of WL, also it could lit a match on l33thiums as fast as the Spyder did, so I guess the spyder of hers is working at 180mW @ 2mm BDAA. Furthermore I got my CNI from TL so WL is even worse.  :-[ ;D

Anyways now I feel that my laser is better than hers.
you would think wicked would send them a way over spec or even up to spec laser lol
What I don't understand is, HOW the HELL did Wickedlasers get their name in the world records when they don't even have it close?

" Wooo success again " I just took 15 seconds to light a match with 300mW !! 8-)

;D ;D
rocketparrotlet said:
What I don't understand is, HOW the HELL did Wickedlasers get their name in the world records when they don't even have it close?

cuz them fools at guiness are suckaz ;D! the amazing part is people actually look at wicked first if they dont know wnything about lasers....sad really....im gonna go shed a tear for all the suckers wicked lasers has scammed.... :'(

rocketparrotlet said:
What I don't understand is, HOW the HELL did Wickedlasers get their name in the world records when they don't even have it close?


AFAIK the record they got was several years ago with the Spyder I. Since then lasers like the RPLs and Hercs have easily beaten it.
Only took like 5 seconds to light a match at close range.......
Btw the wicked record in guiness was from like 4 years ago. Since then laserglow set the record with a Hercules.
