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BILLG519 is the nicest guy on Earth!!

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thats incredible, people like bill deserve to be rewarded for their kindness and helpfulness to other members. i already gave him a +1 rep but he needs more. and congrats Eudaimonium!
im glad you posted this thread because now im gonna be begging him for laser goodies!! haha J/K :san:
but seriously, i am really happy to have someone like billg on this forum.
THANKS!! ;);)

thats incredible, people like bill deserve to be rewarded for their kindness and helpfulness to other members. i already gave him a +1 rep but he needs more. and congrats Eudaimonium!
im glad you posted this thread because now im gonna be begging him for laser goodies!! haha J/K :san:
but seriously, i am really happy to have someone like billg on this forum.
THANKS!! ;);)
HEHE I know he will get some PM's from noobs here asking for free stuff, however I really did not expect that 'Christmass present'. The box weighted 1.05 kg... of wonders.
I totally agree with you! People like this really should be rewarded, that is why I made the thread.

AND YES, I'm reading through my post, and it seems that I forgot to mention HE SENT BOTH THE PACKAGES PER AVION EXPRESS MAIL, so I got them in a week. Shippement only is worth 20$, let alone the contents of the boxes. If I were to buy every singly part he sent me, I'm totally sure I would end up with around 500 or 600 $ bill (as in payment proof :D)
Of which 70$ are the IR and UV protection gogles (200-460, 800-2000nm protection), and I can only guess huw much would it cost me If I were to get those 9mm and c-mount diodes. ReNNo bought a couple 9 mm diodes for 30$ or so. I got like 10 9mm and 7 c-mount.
BTW, you should see the emitter die on one of the c-mount. It is like, 1 x 3 millimeter!! 16 bonding wires from the arm. I'm guessing two-digit number of watts this baby can lase.

OH YES, I remembered! Go check out his channel on youtube! He has amazing videos of his IR and visible lasers, along with fog machine effects, and not only that, there are high voltage experiments also (as in 12.000 volts).
Let's see how high can we push the 'subcribers' number on his youtube page!
HEHE I know he will get some PM's from noobs here asking for free stuff, however I really did not expect that 'Christmass present'. The box weighted 1.05 kg... of wonders.
I totally agree with you! People like this really should be rewarded, that is why I made the thread.

AND YES, I'm reading through my post, and it seems that I forgot to mention HE SENT BOTH THE PACKAGES PER AVION EXPRESS MAIL, so I got them in a week. Shippement only is worth 20$, let alone the contents of the boxes. If I were to buy every singly part he sent me, I'm totally sure I would end up with around 500 or 600 $ bill (as in payment proof :D)
Of which 70$ are the IR and UV protection gogles (200-460, 800-2000nm protection), and I can only guess huw much would it cost me If I were to get those 9mm and c-mount diodes. ReNNo bought a couple 9 mm diodes for 30$ or so. I got like 10 9mm and 7 c-mount.
BTW, you should see the emitter die on one of the c-mount. It is like, 1 x 3 millimeter!! 16 bonding wires from the arm. I'm guessing two-digit number of watts this baby can lase.

OH YES, I remembered! Go check out his channel on youtube! He has amazing videos of his IR and visible lasers, along with fog machine effects, and not only that, there are high voltage experiments also (as in 12.000 volts).
Let's see how high can we push the 'subcribers' number on his youtube page!

jeez, it just keeps gettin better and better. if i had your kind of luck i would be doin the same kinda stuff (bein all happy,postin threads, etc). especially since im like poor, i would be doin so many different things with all of the things i wouldve gotten haha. well have fun with all of your goodies :beer:
If it was me I'd be spreading the wealth...but that's just me. Thats how paying forward works. I dont need anything, but maybe you could pass around a few items you wont use. Just an idea. It would make people happy and it didnt cost you a thing.
jeez, it just keeps gettin better and better. if i had your kind of luck i would be doin the same kinda stuff (bein all happy,postin threads, etc). especially since im like poor, i would be doin so many different things with all of the things i wouldve gotten haha. well have fun with all of your goodies :beer:
My luck can be talked about for many hours... Things in my life tend to go to contradiction with themselves...
I never EVER owned any kind of gaming console. That pretty much describes the situation on my family. I have changed apsolutely no more than 3 cellphones in my life. I would still have the first one if it wasn't stolen. I never wore those 'brand' clothes, I mean seriously, 100€ for shoes? Like you ain't breaking your leg in those. My mum NEVER had salary bigger than the minimum in my country: 450$ (give or take a 5 or 6, I don't know precise conversion rates) a month. My dad was uneployed as long as I can remember. But when you grow up in such environment, you learn to respect what you have, not only material good, also your family and closest ones. Really, no bullshit!

But I can imagine your look on your face if you landed in the middle of my room.
I have 22" LCD monitor for my PC, which is 3 month old.
LCD monitor was bought 4 years ago from a friend who bought it for himself, only to realise that he did not have proper graphics card connections... So he sold it to me.
PC is 3 months old. The PC before that was eight (8) YEARS old. Kinda fell apart after doing my 5,341,735,125th repair,
I have original Fender Stratocaster 1976 electric guitar. My dad bought it about 25 years ago, when he was my age. Today it is worth more than 2000€. Don't even think about making me offers, I'm not trading this guitar for the CNI firm itself, OK?
I have a SE m600 (visible in couple of my shots), touchscreen cell. I earned it myself, selling lasers (what else).

However, my life's luck always ended up leaning towards negative. (despice the thing above, then you know it is always bad, mostly due to my parents poor incomes and a lot of other things).

I think that meeting mr. Bill here, kind of balanced it back.

Imagine my irony, I'm sitting here playing my guitar and thinking: HOLY CRAP this 18650 host looks nice, but it costs xx$ !! I wish I could afford that...

Not to bother you with my life past and present stories and (mis)fortune, I just wanted to let you know why I 'flame' when somebody tells me: Don't build your soldering station, buy it, it will heat up faster.

Or when someone told me : hey get yourself a flexdrive if you are building a pen host.
Entire project costed me less than the stupid flexdrive.

I'm kind of connecing ends trying to keep my laser hobby alive, just recently I managed to sell couple of lasers and my bluray pen laser... So I used the money to order a new PHR, some 14500 and charger, some protection goggles offa Focalprice, and some thermal paste from DX.. So I'm broke again. Until someone buys somehing off me.

And here is a perfect example of my life's BAD luck.
My school has a 3D CNC machine. Professor in charge of it is very helpfull and kind person, charges me nothing to mae a heatsink or couple of them.
Find my PART 3 in experiments section, there is a picture of my red laser with the heatsink on it.
Lemme see your hands how many of you would buy this thing for 10 $ incl. shipping? (HS, not laser :D)
I would happily offer to make custom heatsinks.. all you folks have to do is to email me blueprins wit precise dimensions. All of that for 10$ (which is a lot of money to me) incl. shipping.

You know what is my bad luck? RESIDENDS IN CROATIA cannot recieve paypal. No way. No merchants account or anything. Can you imagine this:
90$ i got for a bluray w/ charger and batts - helped my family and me so much. I used only 40$ of it. the rest goes to the bank account.
Can you imagine what kind of help it would be for me to be able to make this heatsinks and sell them online? I could machine everything DarkHorse can, And I could sell it for 10$. But I cannot sell them. I cannot recieve paypal. How about THAT FOR A BAD LUCK EH?

I gotta hear comments on this :p
Use a middle man for sales. Send your heat sink to someone else, and have him mail you the money.
Use a middle man for sales. Send your heat sink to someone else, and have him mail you the money.
Who, how and what? I don't think it is a possibility. Middle mad would be someone who can recieve paypal. Meaning: far away. If I would to send some HS to them, shipping fees double. which is more than half the cost of a HS. Therefore prices could not be that low, and I would lost to the competition with far greater reputation. It would only complicate things.

BUT LETS NOT GET off topic.
Wait for it...
Send me a PM minute ago.
Meaning he is online.

I'm expecting his post in minutes here. :D
Yes I PM-ed him the link for his thread.
I'm always very glad to hear about things like this. Just when you think that people aren't that nice anymore, someone steps up to prove otherwise.

Billg's the man!
I'm always very glad to hear about things like this. Just when you think that people aren't that nice anymore, someone steps up to prove otherwise.

Billg's the man!
^what he said. I'm saying this all thread long.

EDIt: appears that Bill still hasn't found the time to read through entire thread just yet, it appears that it will be regular overnight reply, lookin' forward to that. Well guys I'm off into horizontal position, if yo' catch ma' drift, y'know whatama sayin'?
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Bill is one of the most helpful and generous people on the boards. About a year ago, I inquired about purchasing a C-mount diode. He went along and shipped me 2 diodes, drivers, an aluminum C-mount head and several lenses!
Well, I chose to help out the OP a little bit because he wants to do lasers and electronics and is willing to design with and work with what he has at hand. Sure, a flexdrive is best for small blurays, but in some places or situations, a flexdrive is lots of money. I respect someone who is inventive and will try to identify and use a workaround when confronted by a problem rather than giving up. When eudaimonium PM'd me about getting a few of my smd 1117's, I was involved in cleaning up my electronics shop and reorganizing it. So, I started putting extra stuff in a box, added the 1117's he wanted, and simply sent him a box instead of an envelope. He had the luck of great timing and appreciated what I did. Naturally, when faced with another cleanup, I sent him a small Christmas gift. I figured that the stuff does more good if he uses it rather than it sitting in one of my bins gathering dust doing nothing. Maybe he can help out someone he knows who could use a few parts.
You're an inspiration for us all Bill. Thanks for restoring our faith in generosity and kindness.
Thank you Bill for being so kind and generous!
Thank you Eudaimonium, for posting this thread. It really put a smile on my face :)

There he is, mr. Bill, doing his magic again. :)
Thank all of you guys for supporting this thread, and for recognising this man's will to help, and overall kindness!
*under voice* he is here, quicly add rep add rep :p

BTW: Jaseth, why do you have my nick always linked to my profile page :thinking:

If anybody feels like typing my nickname is same bother as typing Eudaimonominonimonkmiminim, Then just simply punch in JZ, or if you feel that is too much, simply Z. (from my real names initials, Jakupec Zdravko )

EDIT: Just noticed this little detail:
Written by Bill:
"...I sent him a small Christmas gift."

SMALL gift? Not only will I never have to go to electronics store again, I can open up my own!! :D
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As you say, I couldn't be bothered typing out your name so I copy pasted it :p When you do that, the link is also copied. I often do that if a name is a bit unusual.. but I will call you JZ from now on.
You can call me Seb if Jaseth is a bother ;)

Once again thank you for posting this thread.. I think many people had the feeling that the forum had succumb to drama and petty flamewars, so any positive story of generousity, kindness and such is very welcome. We know that these great members are at large on the forum, sometimes we just need reminding :)

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