jeez, it just keeps gettin better and better. if i had your kind of luck i would be doin the same kinda stuff (bein all happy,postin threads, etc). especially since im like poor, i would be doin so many different things with all of the things i wouldve gotten haha. well have fun with all of your goodies :beer:
My luck can be talked about for many hours... Things in my life tend to go to contradiction with themselves...
I never EVER owned any kind of gaming console. That pretty much describes the situation on my family. I have changed apsolutely no more than 3 cellphones in my life. I would still have the first one if it wasn't stolen. I never wore those 'brand' clothes, I mean seriously, 100€ for shoes? Like you ain't breaking your leg in those. My mum NEVER had salary bigger than the minimum in my country: 450$ (give or take a 5 or 6, I don't know precise conversion rates) a month. My dad was uneployed as long as I can remember. But when you grow up in such environment, you learn to respect what you have, not only material good, also your family and closest ones. Really, no bullshit!
But I can imagine your look on your face if you landed in the middle of my room.
I have 22" LCD monitor for my PC, which is 3 month old.
LCD monitor was bought 4 years ago from a friend who bought it for himself, only to realise that he did not have proper graphics card connections... So he sold it to me.
PC is 3 months old. The PC before that was eight (8) YEARS old. Kinda fell apart after doing my 5,341,735,125th repair,
I have original Fender Stratocaster 1976 electric guitar. My dad bought it about 25 years ago, when he was my age. Today it is worth more than 2000€. Don't even think about making me offers, I'm not trading this guitar for the CNI firm itself, OK?
I have a SE m600 (visible in couple of my shots), touchscreen cell. I earned it myself, selling lasers (what else).
However, my life's luck always ended up leaning towards negative. (despice the thing above, then you know it is always bad, mostly due to my parents poor incomes and a lot of other things).
I think that meeting mr. Bill here, kind of balanced it back.
Imagine my irony, I'm sitting here playing my guitar and thinking: HOLY CRAP this 18650 host looks nice, but it costs xx$ !! I wish I could afford that...
Not to bother you with my life past and present stories and (mis)fortune, I just wanted to let you know why I 'flame' when somebody tells me: Don't build your soldering station, buy it, it will heat up faster.
Or when someone told me : hey get yourself a flexdrive if you are building a pen host.
Entire project costed me less than the stupid flexdrive.
I'm kind of connecing ends trying to keep my laser hobby alive, just recently I managed to sell couple of lasers and my bluray pen laser... So I used the money to order a new PHR, some 14500 and charger, some protection goggles offa Focalprice, and some thermal paste from DX.. So I'm broke again. Until someone buys somehing off me.
And here is a perfect example of my life's BAD luck.
My school has a 3D CNC machine. Professor in charge of it is very helpfull and kind person, charges me nothing to mae a heatsink or couple of them.
Find my PART 3 in experiments section, there is a picture of my red laser with the heatsink on it.
Lemme see your hands how many of you would buy this thing for 10 $ incl. shipping? (HS, not laser
I would happily offer to make custom heatsinks.. all you folks have to do is to email me blueprins wit precise dimensions. All of that for 10$ (which is a lot of money to me) incl. shipping.
You know what is my bad luck? RESIDENDS IN CROATIA cannot recieve paypal. No way. No merchants account or anything. Can you imagine this:
90$ i got for a bluray w/ charger and batts - helped my family and me so much. I used only 40$ of it. the rest goes to the bank account.
Can you imagine what kind of help it would be for me to be able to make this heatsinks and sell them online? I could machine everything DarkHorse can, And I could sell it for 10$. But I cannot sell them. I cannot recieve paypal. How about THAT FOR A BAD LUCK EH?
I gotta hear comments on this